Recherche scientifique


Action anticancérigène de l'Huile Essentielle d'Origanum Compactum : application sur la lignée cancéreuse humaine du nasopharynx "Hep"

Action anticancérigène de l'Huile Essentielle d'Origanum Compactum : application sur la lignée cancéreuse humaine du nasopharynx "Hep"

L'Origan -Origanum compactum- est une plante médicinale couramment utilisée pour certains traitements thérapeutiques notamment des affections gastriques et cutanées; elle montre aussi un intérêt ma...

Effect of essential oils on the in vitro growth of penicillium digitatum and penicillium italicum infecting citrus and colletotrichum musea infecting banana

Effect of essential oils on the in vitro growth of penicillium digitatum and penicillium italicum infecting citrus and colletotrichum musea infecting banana

Citrus and bananas represent the two economically important fruit crops worldwide. The most important causes of post-harvest losses of these fruits are blue mold caused by Penicillium italicum and ...

The impact of oregano (origanum heracleoticum) essential oil and carvacrol on virulence gene transcription by escherichia coli O157:H7

The impact of oregano (origanum heracleoticum) essential oil and carvacrol on virulence gene transcription by escherichia coli O157:H7

Enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) serotype O157:H7was first recognized as a food pathogen in 1982 (Paton and Paton 1998). Since then, this organism has been implicated in sporadic cases an...

Antimicrobial activities of commercial essential oils and their components against food-borne pathogens and food spoilage bacteria

Antimicrobial activities of commercial essential oils and their components against food-borne pathogens and food spoilage bacteria

Pathogenic and food spoilage bacteria have been considered as the primary causes of food-borne diseases and food quality deterioration in both developed and developing countries. In order to assure...

Functional and ultrastructural changes in pseudomonas aeruginosa and staphylococcus aureus cells induced by cinnamomum verum essential oil

Functional and ultrastructural changes in pseudomonas aeruginosa and staphylococcus aureus cells induced by cinnamomum verum essential oil

Microbial spoilage is the most common cause of food deterioration. Thus, one of the major concerns of the food industry is the control of spoilage and pathogenic organisms. Therefore, a broad range...

Genotoxicity and antigenotoxicity of some essential oils evaluated by wing spot test of drosophila melanogaster

Essential oils extracted from the three medicinal plants; Helichrysum italicum, Ledum groenlandicum and Ravensara aromatica, together with their mixture were tested for their genotoxic and antigeno...

Antigenotoxic effects of three essential oils in diploid yeast (saccaromyces cerevisias) after treatments with UVC radiation

Antigenotoxic effects of three essential oils in diploid yeast (saccaromyces cerevisias) after treatments with UVC radiation

Essential oils (EOs) extracted from medicinal plants such as Origanum compactum, Artemisia herba alba and Cinnamomum camphora are known for their beneficial effects in humans. The present study was...

Antibacterial and antioxydant activities of origanum compactum essential oil

Antibacterial and antioxydant activities of origanum compactum essential oil

In the present study, essential oil of Origanum compactum was analysed and its chemical composition was identified by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Among thirty two assay...

Aromatherapy alternatives for gynaecological pathologies : recurrent vaginal candida and infection caused by the human papilloma virus

Scientific aromatherapy and integrated medicine are taking an increasingly greater role in the treatment of a number of infectious diseases for which conventional medicine has few effective solutio...

Screening of antifungal and antibacterial activity of 90 commercial essential oils against 10 pathogens of agronomical importance

Screening of antifungal and antibacterial activity of 90 commercial essential oils against 10 pathogens of agronomical importance

Nowadays, the demand for a reduction of chemical pesticides use is growing. In parallel, the development of alternative methods to protect crops from pathogens and pests is also increasing. Essenti...

Antibacterial and cytotoxic activities of ten commercially available essential oils

Antibacterial and cytotoxic activities of ten commercially available essential oils

There is a hugef concern in the medical field concerning the emergence of bacterial resistance to antibiotics. Essential oils are a source of antibacterial compounds that can overcome this problem....

Evaluation of the bacteriostatic properties of essential oils and their potential applications for food microbiology

Evaluation of the bacteriostatic properties of essential oils and their potential applications for food microbiology

The recent multiplication of food scandals has made food safety a major concern for food producers. More than ever, consumers are asking for products that are microbiologically safe and, in the sam...

Genotoxicity of some essential oils frequently used in aromatherapy

Genotoxicity of some essential oils frequently used in aromatherapy

Genotoxic properties of the essential oils extracted from Artemisia dracunculus (tarragon), Ocimum basilicum (basil), Cinnamomum loureirii (cinnamon), Laurus nobilis (laurel), Satureja montana (sav...

Retrouver l’odorat avec les huiles essentielles ?

Recover your sense of smell with Essential Oils?

Did you know that among the most common symptoms of COVID-19 (fever, cough, body aches, etc.), a European study revealed that 85% of patients suffering from a mild form of the infection complained ...

Arrêter de fumer à l'aide des huiles essentielles

Stop smoking using Essential Oils

Period illness or illness? Addiction is a problem that gets people talking! Addictions in our society are numerous and essential oils can be real allies to help us quit smoking naturally. In this t...

L'arnica, une efficacité prouvée

L'arnica, une efficacité prouvée

Ne vous fiez pas à son apparence, cette jolie fleur jaune dressée sur une tige de cinquante centimètres appelée arnica des montagnes est la plante des aventuriers ! Véritable trésor des régions mon...

Associer les huiles essentielles et la réflexologie plantaire : une étude clinique

Associer les huiles essentielles et la réflexologie plantaire : une étude clinique

La fatigue est l'un des symptômes les plus désastreux des patients atteints de cancer. Le taux de prévalence dépassant 50% dans les stades avancés 2-3. Malheureus...

La diffusion d'HE dans les établissements de santé : une étude scientifique

La diffusion d'HE dans les établissements de santé : une étude scientifique

Une désinfection appropriée des surfaces environnementales des hôpitaux est indispensable pour éliminer les contaminants et réduire la propagation des maladies transmissibles. En effet, en raison d...

Les effets de l'aromathérapie dans le cadre d'une hystérectomie. Une étude clinique.

L'hystérectomie est la deuxième intervention chirurgicale gynécologique la plus fréquente. En effet, environ 400.000 hystérectomies sont effectuées chaque...

Syndrome de Raynaud et les huiles essentielles

Syndrôme de Raynaud et les huiles essentielles

La maladie de Raynaud touche principalement les femmes, elle est douloureuse et invalidante. Découvrez dans cet article, réalisé en collaboration avec le docteur A.Zhiri, une étude clinique sur l'e...

Stress ? L’HE de Lavande, pourquoi ça marche ?

La lavande vous apaise instantanément ? Ce n’est pas seulement parce qu’elle évoque La Provence et le farniente des vacances et du soleil. Des études prouvent ...

L’efficacité des huiles essentielles sur la rhinite allergique scientifiquement prouvée !

L’efficacité des HE sur la rhinite allergique scientifiquement prouvée !

Le nez qui coule en permanence, les yeux qui piquent, les éternuements, dès l’arrivée des beaux jours pendant des semaines, on s’en passerait volontiers. Grâce aux HE, il est possible de vivre le p...

Arrêter de fumer avec les huiles essentielles

Stop smoking with essential oils

Chewing gums, tablets, nicotine patches... what if essential oils could complete the classic arsenal of tobacco replacement therapies in the context of smoking cessation?

Traitement des hémorroïdes avec l’Aromathérapie

Treating haemorrhoids with aromatherapy

1 in 2 French people over 50 suffer from hemorrhoids. Beyond traditional treatments, recent studies demonstrate the notable interest of Myrtle essential oil in treating this very uncomfortable dis...

L’huile essentielle de Rose de Damas pour la réduction des coliques néphrétiques

Les coliques néphrétiques en deux mots : « Les coliques néphrétiques sont des douleurs lombo-abdominales dues à un obstacle au niveau des voies ur...

Inhale globose eucalyptus to reduce pain!

Soothe pain, with essential oils too! According to a study, inhaling the essential oil of globular eucalyptus reduces pain and reduces inflammatory reactions after total knee replacement! Let's dis...

Tea tree and lavender, active against LICE!

A scientific study proves the effectiveness of essential oils against lice

Treatment of wounds with essential oils. A clinical solution?

As part of our desire to inform you about the clinical effects of essential oils for health and well-being, we provide you here with the summary of a clinical observation from 2006 concerning 30 c...

Menopause: massage Essential Oils!

Menopause is not always an easy milestone to get through. Menopause is a significant event in the lives of most women, as it is associated with many physical and emotional changes. Menopause c...

Olfactothérapie : Une étude prouve que la diffusion d'Huile Essentielle réduit le stress

Olfactotherapy: A study proves that diffusing Essential Oil reduces stress

It's a good idea to diffuse bergamot to relax.What about diffusing Essential Oils in the workplace for everyone's well-being?A study carried out in primary schools in Taiwan showed that short sessi...

Molluscum contagiosum : un traitement à base d'huile essentielle de Tea-Tree

Molluscum contagiosum: a treatment based on Tea-Tree essential oil

A recent study demonstrates that a treatment combining tea tree essential oil and iodine is effective on molluscum contagiosum, a dermatological condition very common among very young children.

Palliative Care: Essential Oils in the hospital

Essential Oils are an asset for palliative care teams In recent years, scientific aromatherapy has gradually penetrated the walls of our hospitals. However, progress is slow and the training needs...

Douleurs menstruelles ? Massez-vous !

Menstrual pain? Massage yourself!

Self-massage of the abdomen with essential oils reduces menstrual pain and anxiety during menstruation. This is what we learn by studying the results of a placebo-controlled clinical study in nurs...

Oncology: treating facial and neck ulcers with Essential Oils

In 2006, a clinical study involving 30 patients with ulcerative tumors was carried out to measure the effectiveness of essential oils in reducing bad odors linked to ulcers and on their healing. Th...

Les huiles essentielles soulagent les mamans lors de l'accouchement : enquête

Essential oils relieve mothers during childbirth: survey

Midwives have known for many years that essential oils can facilitate their practice during childbirth and its preparation. They are also among the health professionals who are among the most inter...

Cicatriser plaie avec huile essentielle

Better heal wounds with Essential Oils

Healing essential oil: how to heal your wounds naturally? In his book " Aromatherapy: Healing with Essential Oils ", Dominique Baudoux offers many formulas based on Essential Oils that have a curat...

Essential Oils with anti-carcinogenic potential? Extensive scientific research highlights the properties of certain Essential Oils

Scientific research on essential oils has a bright future ahead of it! Abdesselam Zhiri and Dominique Baudoux participated in the 12th International Symposium in Grasse “Aromatherapy and Medicin...