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Screening of antifungal and antibacterial activity of 90 commercial essential oils against 10 pathogens of agronomical importance

Screening of antifungal and antibacterial activity of 90 commercial essential oils against 10 pathogens of agronomical importance

Nowadays, the demand for a reduction of chemical pesticides use is growing. In parallel, the development of alternative methods to protect crops from pathogens and pests is also increasing. Essential oil (EO) properties against plant pathogens are well known, and they are recognized as having an interesting potential as alternative plant protection products. In this study, 90 commercially available essential oils have been screened in vitro for antifungal and antibacterial activity against 10 plant pathogens of agronomical importance.

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Antibacterial and cytotoxic activities of ten commercially available essential oils

There is a hugef concern in the medical field concerning the emergence of bacterial resistance to antibiotics. Essential oils are a source of antibacterial compounds that can overcome this problem. Ten essential oils that are commercially available were investigated in the present study: ajowan, basil, German chamomile, Chinese cinnamon, coriander, clove, lemongrass, Spanish lavender, oregano and palmarosa. Their direct, synergistic and indirect antibacterial activities were evaluated against different human pathogenic Gram-positive and Gram-negative strains. To evaluate their possible use in clinics, the cytotoxicity of these essential oils was also tested on keratinocyte and epithelial cell lines. Except for the Chinese cinnamon, coriander and lemongrass, all other essential oils presented no cytotoxicity at 32 and 16 µg/mL. Télécharger l'étude complète

Aromatherapy alternatives for gynaecological pathologies : recurrent vaginal candida and infection caused by the human papilloma virus

Scientific aromatherapy and integrated medicine are taking an increasingly greater role in the treatment of a number of infectious diseases for which conventional medicine has few effective solutions.  Powerless and faced with treatment failure, some therapists are actively seeking alternative effective active substances to resolve this inadequacy. When prescribed by competent scientists, essential oils that are chemically and chemotypically defined provide real opportunities with encouraging measurable results that can be observed in clinical practice. Télécharger l'étude complète