Natural well-being

How to use Essential Oils for sport?

Comment utiliser les huiles essentielles pour le sport ?

Essential oil for athletes : how to use essential oils for sport?

There are many reasons to exercise regularly, and for good reason: exercise helps reduce fat mass, provides a feeling of physical well-being, and has an effect on morale and general health (heart, sleep, joints, stress, etc.).

30 minutes of sport is already very effective: think about skipping rope, core strengthening, jogging or even yoga. To have the pleasure of physical activity while enhancing it, essential oils can help with recovery and mental health. Want to know more? Find out which essential oil for athletes to use!

Too long without sport, is it a problem?

If you haven't done any sport for "too" long and you start again at too fast a pace, this can indeed be a problem. You can then fear joint pain, tendonitis, a fracture , or other.

First, you have to build up to it and do short sports sessions of about twenty minutes maximum or do low-intensity sessions. The recovery must be gradual and it is important not to “go faster than the music” as they say. After a few weeks, the body gets used to it and you want more, so it is time to set yourself achievable goals! Yes, having a challenge to take on is good, but you have to know how to be reasonable and take it step by step so as not to injure yourself.

When it comes to sports, the most important thing is obviously to choose a physical activity or sport that you like ! Individual or collective, indoor or outdoor, whatever our level, it must please us. It is also important to vary the activities and not always do the same circuit or the same activity.

Essential oil for athletes , what for?

Have you overdone your exercises a bit and are now suffering from cramps or muscle problems? Use Essential and Vegetable Oils to relieve yourself! Indeed, whether your sports practice is occasional or intensive, the preparation and recovery of muscles and joints is essential to avoid problems and aromatherapy will be your best ally.

Before exercise, use an essential oil for athletes such as Wintergreen or Camphor Rosemary. These essential oils are known for their warming and relaxing properties, promoting better preparation of muscles and joints.

After exercise, to soothe tension and promote recovery , turn to essential oils such as Spike Lavender, Italian Helichrysum or Menthol. These oils have anti-inflammatory, analgesic and regenerative properties, ideal for relieving pain and preventing aches.

Aromatherapy offers a natural and effective solution to support your muscles and joints, allowing you to fully enjoy your sporting activity without discomfort. Depending on the oil chosen, the application is done locally or via an essential oil diffuser .

Essential Oils for Sports Preparation and Recovery

Lavandin Super Essential Oil

Lavandin Super Essential Oil has a composition that is favorable to muscle preparation. It helps relax the muscle to gently prepare it for exercise. After exercise, it helps relieve pain such as cramps and aches thanks to its sedative and analgesic properties. In addition to its relaxing and analgesic properties, Lavandin Super essential oil is also known for its anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effects , making it ideal for athletes suffering from muscle tension or spasms after intense training sessions.

It promotes muscle relaxation and helps reduce the accumulation of lactic acid, which causes post-exercise pain. This anti-stress essential oil also helps promote quality sleep, which is essential for good physical recovery . Its soothing scent plays a role in stress and anxiety, often associated with sports performance, thus allowing better concentration and mental preparation before a competition.

Dosage: For skin application, 3 to 4 drops of this Essential Oil for athletes diluted in at least 3-4 drops of Arnica Vegetable Oil for example and apply to the affected areas 1 to 2 times per day.

Immortelle (Italian Helichrysum) Essential Oil

Italian Helichrysum Essential Oil helps activate blood microcirculation. It is known for its powerful anti-hematoma power. Athletes can use it on a bruise, a bump or even a sprain following a bad fall for example. In addition, this essential oil for athletes is excellent for muscle recovery thanks to its anti-inflammatory and healing properties . It helps reduce pain and swelling, thus accelerating the healing of damaged tissues.

For athletes suffering from aches or pains after an intensive workout, applying Italian Helichrysum in massage can provide quick and effective relief. Enjoy all the benefits of the essential oil against heavy legs ! It is also useful for treating tendonitis and muscle contractures, promoting optimal recovery and preventing recurring injuries . Its regular use can help maintain healthy muscles and promote overall athletic performance. To maximize its benefits, it is advisable to dilute it in a vegetable oil such as arnica or St. John's wort.

Dosage: It is used locally, in massage, 2 pure drops on the hematoma or diluted with Arnica Vegetable Oil. On a sprain in the skin, put 3 pure drops after cooling with ice (1x / day).

Lemon Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Rich in citronellal, Lemon Eucalyptus Essential Oil is our inflammation firefighter! Indeed, it quickly calms any inflammation, no matter its origin. This essential oil is particularly beneficial for athletes because of its powerful anti-inflammatory properties . It helps soothe sore muscles after an intense workout or competition. In addition, it has antiseptic qualities , making it an excellent choice for treating minor injuries and scrapes that athletes may encounter.

Applying Lemon Eucalyptus by massaging into painful areas helps reduce inflammation and speed up recovery. Its cooling effect also provides an immediate feeling of relief , ideal for sprains and muscle tension. This oil is therefore a must-have in any athlete's first aid kit, offering a natural and effective solution to maintain good physical condition and avoid inflammation-related injuries.

Dosage: For skin application, 3 to 4 drops of this Essential Oil for athletes diluted in at least 3-4 drops of Arnica Vegetable Oil for example and apply to the affected areas 1 to 2 times per day.

Wintergreen Essential Oil

This is the essential oil for athletes par excellence, it is ideal in case of muscular problems or cramps. It is used both in preparation and recovery. Indeed, it is composed of more than 95% methyl salicylate, an active ingredient commonly used in pharmacy for its analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effects. It helps prevent and relieve all kinds of muscular pain, but also better anticipate physical effort .

In addition to its applications for muscle pain, Wintergreen essential oil is also effective for tendonitis and joint pain . It promotes muscle relaxation after intense exercise, thus reducing the risk of injury and tension. It is also useful for people suffering from rheumatism or arthritis , thanks to its warming properties that help blood circulation and relieve pain. For athletes, it can be used in massage before training to prepare the muscles and after exercise to speed up recovery.

Dosage: For skin use, 3 to 4 drops diluted in 4 drops of Arnica Vegetable Oil (3 times a day) on the muscles used. We will choose Arnica Vegetable Oil because it is known for its anti-inflammatory and moisturizing properties.

What synergy to relieve muscle aches?

In the palm of your hands, mix:

Apply by massaging the affected areas after exercise. Repeat 2 to 3 times a day for 2-3 days if the pain persists. Do not be surprised if you feel a sensation of "heat" due to the action of the Wintergreen essential oil.

Essential Oils for Tone and Success

In sports, the mind plays a vital role and certain essential oils can help refocus emotions and remove psychological blockages. For example, Noble Laurel Essential Oil is considered the "winners'" Essential Oil. It provides the courage, determination and self-confidence needed to face sporting challenges. It will carry you towards victory by simple olfaction.

Dosage: 2 drops on the wrists to inhale strongly when the need arises.

For self-confidence

Peppermint Essential Oil has a general toning effect, ideal for sports preparation. Physically stimulating, it promotes movement and improves respiratory comfort.

Dosage: 1 drop or 1 pearl of Peppermint Essential Oil under the tongue to combat a little dip in energy.

For a toning effect

Scots Pine Essential Oil is dynamic and invigorating, it is recommended in cases of physical fatigue and lack of tone.

Dosage: By skin route, 1 drop of Scots Pine Essential Oil in 4 drops of Vegetable Oil to be applied by massage in the lower back, on the kidneys. Repeat 2x per day if necessary. Take a therapeutic break after 3 weeks of use.

Against physical fatigue

Black Spruce Essential Oil is known in cases of great fatigue, it allows you to recharge your batteries and quickly regain vitality and energy. Same dosage as Scots Pine Essential Oil. These two Essential Oils are "cortisone-like" and invigorating.

For more energy

Synergy for an anti-fatigue massage:

  • In 30 ml of Nigella oil
  • + 120 drops of Black Spruce essential oil
  • + 120 drops of Scots Pine essential oil.
  • Massage this mixture 2 to 3 times a day on the kidney area.

Aromalgic solutions for muscles / joints

Discover all our Aromalgic products to relieve muscles and joints:

  • Concentrated body spray : provides immediate and lasting relief from tension, stiffness and discomfort. Spray locally on sensitive areas of joints and muscles (such as knees, back, shoulders, neck, etc.). Its formula is highly concentrated in essential oils such as copaiba, wintergreen and wild mint;
  • Joint Cream Gel : is ideal for massaging joint areas (knee, back, shoulder, neck). Enriched with copaiba essential oil and arnica plant extract, it provides comfort and soothing on a daily basis.
  • Joint Capsules : in case of acute pain in addition to the joint cream gel, the joint capsules will have a triple action: anti-inflammatory, analgesic and relaxing. Indeed, thanks to a complete and targeted formula with 100% organic essential oils of Fennel, True Lavender, Peppermint, Eucalyptus globulus, Lemongrass, Cardamom and Ginger, the joint capsules promote muscle and joint comfort for daily well-being.
  • "Back, thighs, calves" massage oil : for those who prefer the texture of an "oil", there is also AROMALGIC massage oil designed with Arnica to relieve the pain of aches and minimize the discomfort of joint inflammation (swelling, redness, etc.) Ideal for massage in preparation for physical effort or for relaxation massage for optimal recovery.

We also offer essential oil pearls , easy to take and dose ! Also discover the AROMALGIC children's balm designed for a relaxing massage for growing children or for young athletes (practical format for sports).

Everything you need to know about Aromalgic Children's Balm , explained to children: fun folder to download here



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