Essential oils

Chemotyped oils, 100% natural, pure and integral


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206 products

Essential oils

Ravintsara - Bio

10 ml - Bio

Huile Essentielle de Ravintsara BIO, 100% pure, intégrale et chémotypée. Reconnue pour être l'alliée de l'hiver.

4.8 (43)
Sale price12,10 €
Essential oils

Tea-tree - Bio

10 ml - Bio

Huile Essentielle de Tea-Tree BIO, 100% pure, intégrale et chémotypée. Reconnue pour son action à large spectre.

5.0 (32)
Sale price8,60 €

Encore plus d'Huiles Essentielles

Bénéficiez d’un tarif avantageux à l’achat de 2 unités ou plus, au choix, entre Huiles Essentielles et Huiles Végétales !

2 Huiles = - 5%
3 Huiles = - 10%
4 Huiles et plus = - 15%

Essential oils


10 ml

Huile Essentielle de Gaulthérie couchée, 100% pure, intégrale et chémotypée. Idéale pour le confort musculaire et articulaire.

4.7 (88)
Sale price6,15 €
Essential oils

Real lavender - Bio

10 ml - Bio

Reconnue pour ses propriétés calmantes et relaxantes. Idéale pour faciliter l'endormissement.

5.0 (29)
Sale price11,70 €
Essential oils

Lemon - Bio

10 ml - Bio

Reconnue pour ses propriétés toniques et assainissantes, notre Huile Essentielle de citron est certifiée BIO, 100% pure, intégrale et chémotypée.

5.0 (11)
Sale price6,50 €
Essential oils

Perles d'Huile Essentielle de citronnier - Bio

60 Perles - Bio

Perles d'essence de citronnier pré dosées, faciles à avaler, sans goût ni odeur.

4.7 (3)
Sale price6,50 €
Essential oils

Rosemary ct cineole - Bio

10 ml - Bio

Découvrez l'Huile Essentielle de Romarin CT Cinéol BIO de Pranarôm, idéale pour les changements de saison.

4.6 (5)
Sale price7,00 €
Essential oils

Eucalyptus radiata - Bio

10 ml - Bio

Huile Essentielle d'Eucalyptus radié BIO, 100% pure, intégrale et chémotypée. Idéale pour le confort respiratoire.

4.9 (23)
Sale price7,60 €
Essential oils

Everlasting - Bio

5 ml - Bio

Huile Essentielle d'Immortelle BIO, 100% pure, intégrale et chémotypée. Idéale pour une réparation épidermique.

4.8 (29)
Sale price28,85 €
Essential Oils to diffuse

Diffusable en spray Eucaly'pur - Bio

30 ml - Bio

Purifiez l'air de votre intérieur grâce au Diffusable en spray Eucaly'Pur BIO aux Huiles Essentielles d'Eucalyptus et de Menthe.

5.0 (4)
Sale price9,05 €
Save 20%
Essential oils


10 ml

Huile Essentielle de Pamplemousse, une solution Pranarōm 100% biologique, pure et intégrale.

4.9 (7)
Sale price3,80 € Regular price4,75 €
Essential Oils to diffuse

Meditation - Bio

30 ml - Bio

Sacred Quintessence

4.6 (27)
Sale price15,55 €
Save 30%
Essential Oils to diffuse

Coffret d'Huiles Essentielles à diffuser "énergie" BIO - Bio

3 X 10 ml - Bio

3 Huiles Essentielles à diffuser pour apporter une note de fraîcheur à votre intérieur et gagner en harmonie.

5.0 (5)
Sale price18,34 € Regular price26,20 €
Essential oils

Ylang-ylang totum Essential Oil - Bio

5 ml - Bio

Découvrez l'Huile Essentielle d'Ylang-Ylang. Une solution Pranarôm 100% biologique, pure et intégrale.

5.0 (1)
Sale price10,60 €
Essential oils

Laurel Bay

5 ml

Laurus nobilis - Une solution Pranarôm 100% pure et intégrale.

5.0 (3)
Sale price8,55 €
Essential oils

Sweet orange - Bio

10 ml - Bio

Découvrez l'Huile Essentielle d'Orange Douce. Une solution Pranarôm 100% biologique, pure et intégrale.

5.0 (4)
Sale price5,90 €
Essential oils

Perles d'Huile Essentielle de Ravintsara - Bio

60 Perles - Bio

Capsules d'Huile Essentielle de Ravintsara. Pré dosées, goût neutre pour une prise facile. Ce format pratique s'emporte partout.

5.0 (4)
Sale price12,10 €
Save 20%
Essential oils

Eucalyptus globulus

10 ml

Eucalyptus globulus - Un incontournable pour votre bien-être. Respirez en toute tranquillité grâce à l'Eucalyptus globuleux.

4.9 (13)
Sale price3,76 € Regular price4,70 €
Essential oils

Peppermint - Bio

10 ml - Bio

Facilite une bonne digestion après un repas copieux. Une solution Pranarōm 100% biologique, pure et intégrale.

5.0 (6)
Sale price11,60 €
Sold out
Essential oils

Tangerine (Manderine) - Bio

10 ml - Bio

Essence de Mandarine. Une solution Pranarōm 100% biologique, pure et intégrale.

Sale price7,32 € Regular price9,15 €
4.8 (19) M'alerter lors du retour en stock
Sold out
Essential oils


10 ml

Huile Essentielle de Menthe poivrée, 100% pure, intégrale et chémotypée. Reconnue pour ses propriétés toniques et stimulantes.

Sale price7,65 €
4.8 (55) M'alerter lors du retour en stock

Encore plus d'Huiles Essentielles

Bénéficiez d’un tarif avantageux à l’achat de 2 unités ou plus, au choix, entre Huiles Essentielles et Huiles Végétales !

2 Huiles = - 5%
3 Huiles = - 10%
4 Huiles et plus = - 15%

Sold out
Essential oils

Bergamot - Bio

10 ml - Bio

Huile Essentielle de Bergamote. Très agréable en diffusion. Une solution Pranarōm 100% biologique, pure et intégrale.

Sale price7,20 € Regular price9,00 €
5.0 (9) M'alerter lors du retour en stock
Sold out
Essential oils


2 ml

Une solution Pranarōm 100% pure et intégrale.

Sale price24,10 €
5.0 (1) M'alerter lors du retour en stock
Sold out
Essential oils

Petitgrain - Bio

10 ml - Bio

Découvrez l'Huile Essentielle de Petit Grain Bigarde. Une solution Pranarôm 100% biologique, pure et intégrale.

Sale price6,35 €
4.7 (15) M'alerter lors du retour en stock

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Essential Oils, what are the benefits?

Essential Oil, concentrated in active ingredients extracted from plants, is increasingly appreciated for itshealth and wellness benefits. It has a multitude of uses, ranging from scientific aromatherapy to environmental sanitation. The most effective Essential Oils can relieve various ailments, such as colds, coughs, or anxiety. Discover ourcollection of 100% natural Essential Oilsfor more peace of mind in everyday life!

What are the most effective Essential Oils?

It can be difficult tochoosing the right essential oil. Among those that stand out for their efficiency and versatility, we find thelavender essential oil, known for its soothing properties. It is ideal for the body and mind.

L'eucalyptus essential oil, with its powerful scent, is an excellent sanitizer and helps clear the airways.peppermint oilis also highly prized for its cooling effect.

THEessential oilsoffer a natural and versatile solution for many health and wellness issues. Whether it's for air purification, treatment of skin conditions or relaxation, we have aessential oil adapted to each need. However, it is essential to learn about the proper use of these oils and to favorour finished productsquality to take full advantage of their benefits.

How do Essential Oils act on the body?

Essential oils act on the body in different ways.aromatherapy, they are used to alleviate specific ailments thanks to their natural active ingredients. On the skin, they can have antiseptic or even relaxing effects.

However, it all depends on the essential oil used and the method of application:

  • Skin absorption: when applied to the skin, the molecules of essential oils can penetrate the body and the bloodstream. This method is often used in massage or local application.
  • Inhalation: Inhalation is one of the fastest ways for essential oil compounds to reach the brain. The volatile molecules enter the lungs and quickly pass into the bloodstream.

For maximum effectiveness, you can combine them withour vegetable oils, which serve as a neutral carrier oil, or use them in diffusion using one ofour broadcastersto purify your interior space, create an atmosphere conducive to relaxation, and much more. Relaxation, stress reduction, invigorating effect, support for the digestive system, relief from nausea, clearing the respiratory tract: the benefits of Essential Oils are numerous!
Be careful though, because not all Essential Oils are suitable for diffusion.

Which Essential Oils for Which Ailments?

Essential Oils can be used to reduce the symptoms of a wide variety of ailments. For example,ylang-ylang oilis recommended to relieve stress and anxiety. For skin problems,tea tree essential oilis often favored for its antiseptic properties. Regarding hair, therosemary essential oilis known to promote hair growth.

The use of essential oils should be done with caution. Although they are natural, they are highly concentrated: it is always recommended to consult a health professional or qualified aromatherapist before applying essential oils, especially in cases of pregnancy, chronic illness, or in young children.

Which Essential Oil for Colds and Coughs?

To overcome colds and coughs, certain essential oils are particularly effective.eucalyptus essential oil, thanks to its expectorant properties, helps relieve nasal congestion. Similarly, thepeppermint oilmay be beneficial in clearing the airways and alleviating cold symptoms.

The quality of essential oils is crucial to ensure their effectiveness and safety. At Pranarōm, we offer youorganic products, with 100% pure and natural oils. They ensure a better concentration of active ingredients and limit the presence of chemical residues. Complete it all withour hydrosolsfor a tailor-made beauty, health and well-being routine!