
All you need to know about Eucalyptus radiata

Tout savoir sur l’Eucalyptus radié

If there is an aromatic plant that has been present in our homes for many generations, it is eucalyptus. Its cineole fragrance is inscribed in the collective memory and evokes the cold of winter and its share of colds, catarrhs, flu, colds.

But do you know its effectiveness in the form of essential oil? Radiated eucalyptus when inhaled helps strengthen your immune system and clear your sinuses. Let's discover together its benefits and the indications for use.

What is radiant eucalyptus?

Sometimes a shrub or bush, sometimes a large tree of 30 meters, the radiant eucalyptus reigns in Australia, the largest producer of this renowned essential oil. It shows a spreading and drooping crown while its branches are reddish.

The young leaves are opposite, rounded in shape and lighter in color while the adult leaves are darker in color. From the Myrtaceae family, radiant eucalyptus adapts to all types of soil.

Whether the eucalyptus is radiate, globose, multi-bracted, staigeriana, Smith's, it doesn't matter! Radiated eucalyptus essential oil when inhaled systematically contains a high proportion of 1.8 cineole, a molecule from the terpene oxide family. It is commonly called "eucalyptol" , which means it symbolizes this large tree of the botanical family Myrtaceae.

Therapeutic activity of Eucalyptus

Radiated or officinal Eucalyptus Essential Oil is an aromatic material renowned for its anti-catarrhal and more precisely expectorant properties (= facilitating the evacuation of excess mucus) but also for its antiviral and antibacterial properties. In addition, it has antiparasitic and antifungal properties but to a lesser degree.

The 1.8 cineole molecule is one of the first to reach the pharmacy and is therefore particularly well known. When we talk about “1.8 cineole”, we also think of other essential oils such as: Ravintsara , Mandravasarotra (called saro), Niaouli , Cajeput, Green Myrtle , Rosemary CT cineole and even Cardamom .

Some precautions for use

Besides the enormous benefits of this eucalyptus radiated by inhalation, it should however be noted a certain toxicity of 1,8 cineole on the nervous tissue. For this reason, it is strongly not recommended for infants whose family history has indicated a risk of convulsions or epileptic attacks. Out of extreme caution, we will also be vigilant during pregnancy, breastfeeding and with seniors whose fragility of nervous tissue appears in one or other symptom. It is also avoided in pregnant women.

The benefits of eucalyptus radiata

Eucalyptus essential oil radiated by inhalation and other uses is positioned as an essential remedy for unclogging the respiratory tract.

Sinusitis, rhinitis, nasopharyngitis, wet coughs, colds: it has thinning and expectorant properties to effectively combat winter ailments.

In massage, topical application or inhalation, this quality plant is anti-infectious, expectorant, anti-inflammatory and anti-fatigue. Its diffusion in the body helps strengthen immunity and promote concentration. Not to mention its soothing smell!

Therapeutic indications of Radiated Eucalyptus

ENT catarrhs, flu, sinusitis:

This synergy containing 1.8 cineole, menthol and ketone molecules is not suitable for babies, pregnant or breastfeeding women, as well as neurologically affected patients (epilepsy, convulsion, Parkinson's, etc.).

We can consider multiple means of administration:

  1. This synergy should be diluted to 1% in a St. John's Wort vegetable oil in a bottle fitted with a dropper with a glass pipette. Simply place a drop in each nostril , 4 to 6 times a day, until improvement.
  2. It can also be used in the manufacture of suppositories in amounts of 50 to 75 mg for children aged 3 to 7 years and 100 to 150 mg for adults.
  3. Finally, you can also inhale it by placing 5 to 6 drops on boiling water from an inhaler and hold this administration for a minimum of 5 minutes and apply it to the forehead next to the pain, 5 to 6 times a day. These administrations will be repeated 3 to 4 times per day depending on the severity of the symptoms.
  4. If necessary, it could still be implemented for atmospheric diffusion , the objective of which would be to clean up the atmosphere by destroying microbes suspended in the air that we breathe. Note that the concentration of essential oils in the air will never be sufficient to claim therapeutic action.

Ear infections, bronchitis and pneumonia:

This formula will also find several means of administration.

A 50% dilution in a vegetable oil of Apricot Kernel easily allows an application of 15 to 20 drops on the thorax or upper back (bronchitis) or 3 to 4 drops for a peri-auricular massage (otitis) , 3 to 6 times a day, unless you make a 20% dilution of this synergy in 80% St. John's Wort HV and place 1 to 2 drops in the ear canal 3 times a day.

In addition to local application, the oral route can very well complement all the therapeutic actions of the synergy (anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, analgesic): 3 drops in a little honey, cane sugar, yogurt in the mouth 3 4 times a day for 5 to 15 days depending on the pathology.

Small intestinal parasitoses in children (pinworms):

From 30 months, 3 drops of the synergy in a dab of shea butter on the anal area, 2 to 3 times a day for 3 days and repeat this treatment 3 weeks later.

Emphysema, COPD and pulmonary congestion:

15 to 20 drops on the thorax or upper back 3 to 6 times a day depending on the severity of the pathology and 6 to 8 drops in a little honey, yogurt or cane sugar , in the mouth 3 to 4 times a day, for 2 to 3 weeks and more if necessary.

If the patient does not know how to use the oral route, there is still the rectal route by applying suppositories at a rate of 150 mg of this synergy per suppository, 3 times a day for the same duration.

Immune defenses in winter

1 to 2 drops in fruit juice or in a little honey or yogurt , to swallow, in the morning before a meal, 3 weeks out of 4 for 3 months.

This synergy can also be diffused into the atmosphere to purify the air by ridding it of suspended microbes or even be applied to the lower back twice a day during the same period.

Article written by Dominique Baudoux , founder of Pranarôm scientific aromatherapy.

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Huiles Essentielles

Eucalyptus radiata - Bio

30 ml - Bio

Notre Huile Essentielle est idéale pour le confort respiratoire. Elle est BIO, 100% pure, intégrale et chémotypée.

Sale price18,25 €
Huiles Essentielles

Eucalyptus radiata - Bio

10 ml - Bio

Huile Essentielle d'Eucalyptus radié BIO, 100% pure, intégrale et chémotypée. Idéale pour le confort respiratoire.

Sale price7,60 €