Natural well-being

Soothe acne rosacea with essential oils

Apaiser l’acné rosacée avec des huiles essentielles

Acne rosacea is a delicate skin condition. It combines severe inflammation and an underlying circulatory problem with painful pimples and blackheads.

It has a very heavy impact on social life because its unsightly appearance creates a very dense barrier with those around you. If you are looking for a natural treatment for acne rosacea , you have come to the right place!


“I saw dermatologists and tried lots of treatments with antibiotics. And this, to end with Rosex which did nothing except make my skin even more inflamed, spotty and flaky. My skin couldn't stand anything anymore! Not even the shower water. I could no longer even use makeup because my skin was so blistered, pustular with scarlet papules and very painful (like the feeling of having bruises under my skin). For some time now, I even got up at night to scratch my skin with the mad desire to tear it off! »

Christelle is 39 years old. For more than 4 years, she has suffered from stage 3 and 4 acne rosacea.

Natural treatment for acne rosacea: our daily ritual

Your treatment for redness and rosacea should be tailored to your needs. In all cases, we advise you to opt for natural products to limit skin inflammation. At Pranarom, we recommend:

  • If you have a lot of spots: take 2 capsules of compact oregano 3x/day for 10 days.
  • Gently cleanse your skin with a purifying lotion for pimples and/or soothing lotion for redness. Choose 100% pure and natural hydrosols

Apply morning and evening 4-5 drops of the following synergy of essential and vegetable oils:

After 5 days, Cristelle's pain had disappeared! She testifies:

“Everything has changed: the plaques, the pustules, the spots are gone. All I have left is the mask of my rosacea which is much reduced and a little red on my nose which was the most affected (distorted by too many raised plaques). THANKS ! And the word is very weak. Thanks to essential oils, I am regaining a normal life. I can go out without fearing people's stares and questions like "do you have AIDS?" It's contagious ? » This rosacea really affected me, as well as my whole family (no kisses to my little girl because I was in so much pain). Recently, we have a real evening ritual where she can finally give and receive kisses from her mother! ".

What are the reflexes against rosacea and rosacea?

In addition to our treatment based on organic essential oils , we advise you to adopt a routine adapted to your skin problems. Acne-prone skin with rosacea deserves care, particularly with a cream or serum enriched with essential oil.

Applying a hydrosol can also reduce redness. You can use these products morning and evening on your face and body for a natural treatment for acne rosacea. This will reduce the appearance of symptoms and the stress suffered by your skin.

Adopt an anti-inflammatory diet with foods known to relieve inflammation of blood vessels from the inside, such as fatty fish, green vegetables, red fruits or even oilseeds. Flax, sesame and pumpkin seeds are also effective. Hydrate well with water and limit heat (e.g. don't take a hot shower) for long-lasting natural acne rosacea treatment .