Natural health Natural well-being

How to treat allergies naturally?

Traiter les allergies naturellement

Every spring, thousands of people develop seasonal allergy symptoms. This is the famous hay fever.

It is often associated with other ailments such as asthma, anxiety, cough, headaches or even ocular itching. We are also seeing more and more individuals affected by both respiratory and skin allergies.

Often attributed to our polluted environment, to mites or even pollen, they have an impact that can be particularly unpleasant on a daily basis. Find out in this article how to treat allergies naturally.

What is an allergy?

An allergy is an exacerbated immune reaction following contact of the body (either external or internal) with a substance recognized as an 'enemy' by our body.

A rapid reaction of defense and protection is then put in place to try to circumcise the aggressor commonly called allergen. During an allergic reaction, the attachment of antibodies to mast cells will cause their degranulation and release a substance called “histamine”. This substance constitutes the “messenger” and is then found throughout the body.

Allergies can be respiratory, skin and of various origins (animals, medications, etc.). They generally manifest as allergic rhinitis, with blocked nose, itching, runny nose, frequent sneezing, loss of sense of smell. On the skin, they generally appear as itching or redness, or even hives or eczema.

The WHO, which ranks allergies sixth among public health problems, notes that they are not only more and more frequent, but also ever more acute.

Risk factors

Those most at risk of developing allergic reactions are people with weaker immune systems. This may be genetic, but not necessarily because everyone at some point can have an allergic reaction.

What comes into play is first of all the “terrain” and therefore the immune system but also the state of health, the quality of life and even the diet.

Other external factors can also intervene such as changes in the environment and our lifestyles, increasing urbanization, pollution , etc. These would promote the progression of the allergy.

The liver a key factor in allergies

In our body, the liver is the organ through which everything that comes in is filtered. It has a defense system called macrophages which “eat” the allergen. If the liver is deficient (because of an illness or an overload of toxins), it does not know how to do this first “barrier filter” .

In this case, the liver lets the allergens into the blood, which causes the mast cell degranulation reaction and releases histamine and serotonin. From there, a so-called allergic reaction appears, which is a kind of inflammatory response to the invasion of the body.

To help the liver, a detox is sometimes necessary.

Some actions to take in case of seasonal allergies:

  • Shower, wash your hair, wash your hands and change clothes frequently;
  • Avoid opening windows during the day;
  • Do not dry laundry outside;
  • Driving with closed windows in the car;
  • Clean more regularly.

Essential Oils to relieve allergy symptoms

The Pranarôm laboratory has developed natural solutions to deal with increasingly recurring allergies.

Allergoforce eye/nose comfort capsules

These capsules will provide a triple action against allergies, mainly respiratory, namely:

  1. To control the inflammatory and edematous reaction, this action will be done using the essential oils of Matricaria, Ginger and Peppermint .
  2. Hepatorenal drainage and excretion of allergens using the essential oils of Ginger , Peppermint , Fennel and Lemon .
  3. Direct and indirect control of respiratory congestion and clinical manifestations: respiratory decongestion, antitussive action using essential oils of Scots Pine and Peppermint

It is interesting to know that unlike usual treatments, these 100% ORGANIC capsules do not cause any side effects (e.g. drowsiness).

In addition, taking ALLERGOFORCE capsules is also suitable for “cutaneous” type allergies . In this case, it will be used alongside an ointment or gel to be applied locally to the affected area.

Directions for use (this is not a preventive treatment but rather a curative one)

  • 12-18 years : 1 capsule per day, during the sensitive period.
  • Adults : 2 capsules per day, throughout the sensitive period for 14 days in a row. Repeat this treatment if necessary, respecting a break of 5 days between treatments.

An immediate effect: Allergoforce nasal spray

The Essential Oils of Tansy , Matricaria, Noble Chamomile and Black Pepper have long been recognized for their action on allergies.

ALLERGOFORCE Decongestant Nasal Spray is a hypertonic nasal solution that quickly clears and relieves the discomforts of sneezing, stuffy nose, tickling nose and watery eyes... The formula:

ALLERGOFORCE nasal spray contains several essential oils known to relieve allergic manifestations:

  • Sesquiterpenes present in the essential oils of Black Pepper, Katrafay, Tansy, German Chamomile and Lédon from Greenland are renowned for their antiallergic properties.
  • The high percentage of monoterpenes in Balsam Fir essential oil gives it a balsamic action which soothes irritated and inflamed mucous membranes.
  • Monoterpenes, which are found in the essential oils of balsam fir and Greenland clam, allow their decongestant action to free the nasal passages.
  • The chamazulene present in the essential oil of Tansy and German Chamomile helps inhibit histamine, this neurotransmitter widely involved in allergic and inflammatory phenomena. These two essential oils also help to act on the sensations of “tickles” and nasal itching.

Allergoforce nasal solution is the first antiallergic nasal spray that is suitable for pregnant and breastfeeding women . As well as children from the age of 3 (except children with a history of febrile convulsions).

Usage tips

Spray in the nose:

  • Adults, young people (>12 years), pregnant and breastfeeding women : After blowing your nose, spray 1 to 4 sprays into each nostril. 1 to 5 times a day.
  • Children aged 6 to 12: After blowing your nose, spray 1 to 2 sprays into each nostril. 1 to 5 times a day.
  • Children aged 3 to 6 years: After blowing your nose, 1 spray per nostril, 1 to 5 times per day.

Of course, we cannot influence the cycle of the seasons or prevent pollen from moving. On the other hand, dust mite allergy is the leading cause of bronchial asthma worldwide .

Parasites present in bedding, carpets, stuffed animals or curtains cause various symptoms such as: allergic rhinitis, eczema, difficulty breathing, runny nose, cough, and even irritation of the throat and eyes .

However, certain essential oils present in the Allergoforce anti-mite spray demonstrate effectiveness after 8 hours of direct contact.

Tests carried out in an independent laboratory have demonstrated total mortality of mites (test carried out by an independent laboratory). And this, thanks to the dual curative and preventive action, clearly proven on Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus , which are also the main species responsible for respiratory allergies.

Usage tips

  • Spray surfaces sensitive to contamination (mattress, duvet, pillows, soft toys, carpets, curtains) from 30 cm away.
  • Ventilate 1 hour after applying the spray and vacuum the affected surfaces 8 hours later.
  • Repeat the spray once a week if necessary or once a month for maintenance .  

The Allergoforce anti-mite spray can treat surfaces of 15m² with an action duration of 1 to 2 months . Finally, the spray bottle without propellant gas can be used upside down and allows optimal application. And this, even on the least accessible surfaces.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women avoid handling.

Rhinitis and allergic sinusitis: focus on treatments with essential oils

Allergic rhinitis is inflammation of the nasal passages, while allergic sinusitis is inflammation of the sinuses. Both of these conditions are frequently caused by allergic reactions.

One study* examined the effectiveness of several essential oils, including tea tree, eucalyptus, peppermint, niaouli, Scots pine and thyme. Here are the main results:

  • Antibacterial and antiviral : these oils have shown antibacterial and antiviral properties, acting against the agents responsible for rhinitis and sinusitis.
  • Symptom relief: Essential oils have helped reduce nasal congestion, headaches and fever, providing noticeable relief to patients.
  • Prevention of complications: The use of essential oils has also helped prevent potentially serious complications, such as secondary bacterial infections.
  • Well Tolerated: Essential oils have been well tolerated by patients, including children, with few or no side effects.

*Frédéric da Silva. Use of essential oils in ENT infectious diseases. Pharmaceutical sciences. 2010. ffhal-01732973f

Our products at your fingertips


Nasal spray Decongestant - MD

15 ml

Decongestant solution for nasal spray

Sale price11,00 €

Eye and nose comfort capsules

30 capsules

Capsules with 100% natural essential oils, essential for soothing allergy-related eye discomfort and nasal congestion.

Sale price12,05 €

Anti dust mites spray - Anti bed bugs

150 ml

Acaricidal and insecticidal effect

Sale price11,99 €
Essential oils

Ginger - Bio

5 ml - Bio

Découvrez l'Huile Essentielle de Gingembre BIO. Une solution Pranarôm 100% biologique, pure et intégrale.

Sale price9,35 €

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