Natural well-being

Better prepare for exercise with Essential Oils

Back to school has passed and many of us have returned to physical activity with great pleasure. Sport is excellent for your health but it is not always done without harm! Warming up is essential in most cases, and especially if you are preparing for intense efforts or if you have stopped physical activity for a long time... Certain Essential Oils can help us prepare the muscles and joints under stress. This is what the AROMALGIC spray offers us.

Aromalgic Spray, concentrated formula! Pranarôm offers you a very effective and practical spray based on Essential Oils. The Aromalgic range also exists in the form of massage oil, ideal after exercise or as a basic treatment for painful joints.

The AROMALGIC spray uses the best Essential Oils for the joint, tendon and muscular sphere. The following Essential Oils are found in the AROMALGIC spray formula:

  • the essential wintergreen (gaultheria procumbens) : an Essential Oil known for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic action;
  • Wild Mint (mentha arvensis) : a fresh mint with an ice cube effect for an analgesic action;
  • Lemon Eucalyptus (eucalyptus citriodora) : the “firefighter” Essential Oil which soothes the fire of inflammation;
  • lemon litsea (litsea citrata): for relaxation, flexibility and warm-up before exercise;
  • Lavandin (lavandula burnatii or grosso) : We sometimes forget it but lavandin is also known to be a good analgesic;
  • Scots Pine (pinus sylvestris) : A most invigorating Essential Oil to prepare the body for exercise;
  • Chinese cinnamon (cinnamomum cassia) : Well dosed, cinnamon is one of the most invigorating and warming essences;
  • Katrafay (Cedrelopsis grevei) : the star which comes from Madagascar and lavishes us with its benefits. An Essential Oil ideal for calming inflammation and softening tissues.

The AROMALGIC spray can be used in all directions (even upside down to reach the back of the limbs).

In case of muscle and/or joint discomfort, spray 2 to 3 times a day on the affected body area. For warming up before physical activity: spray locally.



Spray articulations et muscles - Bio

75 ml - Bio

Facile à utiliser, le spray peut facilement être orienté vers la zone souhaitée sans perte de pression. Notre spray soulage immédiatement et est respectueux de l’environnement.

Sale price13,05 €
Huiles Essentielles


10 ml

Huile Essentielle de Gaulthérie couchée, 100% pure, intégrale et chémotypée. Idéale pour le confort musculaire et articulaire.

Sale price6,15 €
Huiles Essentielles

Corn mint - Bio

10 ml - Bio

Une solution Pranarōm 100% biologique, pure et intégrale.

Sale price4,90 €
Huiles Essentielles

Lemon eucalyptus

10 ml

100% pure et naturelle

Sale price4,55 €
Huiles Essentielles

Lemon litsea

10 ml

Une solution 100% pure et intégrale aux propriétés apaisantes et anti-inflammatoires et à la fragrance rafraîchissante et énergisante.

Sale price5,55 €
Huiles Essentielles

Lavendin super - Bio

10 ml - Bio

Une solution Pranarōm 100% biologique, pure et intégrale.

Sale price6,10 €
Huiles Essentielles

Scots pine

10 ml

Sale price7,35 €
Huiles Essentielles

Chinese cinnamon

10 ml

Découvrez l'Huile Essentielle de Cannelier de Chine. Une solution Pranarôm 100% pure et intégrale.

Sale price4,55 €
Huiles Essentielles

Katrafray - Bio

10 ml - Bio

Utilisée en aromathérapie, elle est reconnue pour ses bienfaits calmants et relaxants.

Sale price17,00 €


Better heal wounds with Essential Oils

In his book "Aromatherapy: treating yourself with Essential Oils" , Dominique Baudoux offers numerous formulas based on Essential Oils which have a curative aim for the skin. One of them treats wound healing, with true lavender in particular. In dermatology, the question of wound healing is indeed crucial. A clinical study demonstrates that the use of true lavender Essential Oil is appropriate for the care and healing of post-episiotomy wounds. This reinforces our idea of ​​adding true lavender Essential Oil to our healing preparations. A healing formula for wounds: Dominique Baudoux, aromatologist pharmacist, gives us in his book "Aromatherapy, healing with Essential Oils" the following formula for wounds: CEST Ladaniferous Rockrose (cistus ladaniferus) : 1 drop; HECT True lavender (lavandula angustifolia) : 3 drops; HECT Cajeput (melaleuca cajuputii): 2 drops; HECT Thyme CT Thujanol or Marjoram CT Thujanol (origanum majorana CT thujanol): 2 drops Directions for use: 3 to 4 drops of the mixture on the wound 4 times a day for 4 to 5 days. It is obvious that this formula which uses pure Essential Oils on the skin is only suitable for superficial wounds and is not suitable for pregnant or breastfeeding women or children under 6 years old. This formula gives pride of place to real lavender which is recommended here for its simultaneously cleansing and soothing action. A clinical study on the benefits of lavender: In the study "Healing advantages of lavender essential oil during episiotomy recovery" (Vakilian K, Atrha M, Bekhradi R, Chaman R, Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2011 Feb;17(1):50-3.) , we discover that 120 women who underwent an episiotomy during childbirth participated in a clinical study to evaluate the possible contribution of True Lavender Essential Oil to the healing process. For this study, 60 women out of 120 were treated with olive oil dosed with 1.5% essential oil and sitz baths with 5 to 7 drops of lavender essential oil in 4 liters of water two times a day for 10 days. The other 60 women in the control group received routine care with Povidone-iodine. On the 10th day, the study demonstrated that the group of women treated with lavender was less prone to pain, did not experience cases of edema of more than 2cm and suffered from significantly reduced redness. The difference with the control group was clear: the addition of lavender essential oil in the treatment was beneficial. Conclusion: This case study leads us to believe that it is interesting to add True Lavender Essential Oil in the treatment of wounds, even if logically we think much more often of the astringent oils of geranium, cistus or rosewood, often combined with tea tree and chamomile.

Sleep disorders: sleep better with Essential Oils

In France and Belgium, nearly one in three people complain of suffering from sleep disorders and a large proportion of them consume chemical substances to help them fall asleep. However, what becomes a crutch can quickly turn into an addiction. This is why essential oils can represent an excellent transition, with, in passing, the olfactory pleasure that accompanies them.