Aromatherapy Natural health Natural well-being

6 Essential Oils essential for spring

6 huiles essentielles indispensables au printemps

Ahhh it smells like spring and it makes us feel good! Spring is the season of restarting, of rebirth, of rising energy. This dynamic is as valid for nature as it is for humans. With the sun coming out again, it's an opportunity to go out and play sports but also to go for walks, hikes or even a picnic! These activities can, however, cause small inconveniences... Find out more about our selection of Essential Oils ideal for spring? See you in this article.

Aspic Lavender Essential Oil for everything that itch

It's spring and it's therefore an opportunity to have a little picnic or to finally enjoy your garden or a little walk in the open air! But the insects, the bees, the wasps are also out and a sting quickly arrives... Don't panic! If this is the case, Aspic Lavender Essential Oil is an excellent anti-toxic agent . It has great analgesic and calming properties thanks to the linalool it contains. It is also healing, in short it is a “must-have” to have in your handbag.

Use of lavender aspic

Place 1 drop of pure aspic lavender on the sting every 15 minutes. during 2 hours.

Everything you need to know about Lavender Essential Oil aspic

Sweet Orange Essential Oil (essence) , the positive

This calming Essential Oil helps give a boost to the desire for change that often comes with spring. It has the power to clarify ideas and bring good humor! Nervously rebalancing and antidepressant, it will recharge your batteries and allow you to start this new season in the best possible way.

Use of Orange Essence

In atmospheric diffusion, possibly mixed with other essential oils or mixed in your oily preparation. Apply to the solar plexus, the inner side of the wrists with a massage.

Sweet orange essential oil is photosensitizing, so it cannot be used as a skin application before exposure to the sun, and without having been diluted first.

Lemon Essential Oil (essence) , detoxifying

Spring is the ideal time to give new life to our cells. The detox cure aims to help purify liquids by draining and eliminating toxins using specific organs such as the liver, intestine, skin, kidneys and lungs. It could thus help relieve states of fatigue and nervousness, skin problems or even insomnia.

To do this, think about the essence of Lemon, a great digestive and depurative tonic which will activate all the digestive and hepatic functions from which a true detoxification results.

Use ?

Take 2 drops of lemon essence on ¼ piece of sugar or a neutral support in the morning on an empty stomach for 21 days.

The natural DETOX cure

Lemon essence is photosensitizing, so it cannot be used as a skin application before exposure to the sun and without having been diluted first.

Star Anise Essential Oil (star anise) , anti-allergic

Every spring, thousands of people develop seasonal allergy symptoms. This is the famous hay fever. It is often associated with other ailments such as asthma, anxiety, cough, headaches or even ocular itching.

Star Anise Essential Oil is traditionally used for its benefits on the digestive system and to deal with intestinal problems (e.g. stomach and intestinal cramps). It is also recommended as an anti-allergic!

It's amazing and at the same time, the genius of nature gives us everything we need. Studies have demonstrated that the anethole molecule contained in star anise and fennel has the same antiallergic effectiveness as the methychavicol molecule contained in Tarragon essential oil. So if you no longer have tarragon, you can replace it perfectly with star anise.

Use of Star Anise Essential Oil

  • Allergy prevention: 1 to 2 drops of star anise in a medium in the morning on an empty stomach. (5 days/7)
  • Treatment of allergy, allergic asthma: 2 drops of star anise essential oil 2 to 3 times a day. The time needed to calm the allergy attack.

To make it easier to take and avoid the taste in the mouth, opt for our essential oil pearls : 1 pearl = 1 drop to swallow with a little water.

Treat allergies naturally

Not recommended for babies and children under 12 years old. Do not use during pregnancy and do not consume more than 14 days.

Lemon Eucalyptus Essential Oil , anti-inflammatory

That’s it, spring is approaching and with it also come the chirping birds, the little light jackets and… the motivation to take up sport! Because we agree it is much more encouraging to take up sport when the sun is shining and bikini season is approaching... Who says sport, says aches, stiffness, bruises, tensions and to deal with them essential oils can be your allies! We then think of Wintergreen, Camphor Rosemary or Immortelle but also of Lemon Eucalyptus.

Rich in citronellal, Lemon Eucalyptus Essential Oil is our firefighter for inflammation! In fact, it quickly calms any inflammation regardless of its origin. It will be very effective for all tendon, muscle and ligament inflammations , but also for mosquito bites (it is also a repellent).

Use ?

    On the skin, 3 to 4 drops of essential oil diluted in at least 3-4 drops of Arnica vegetable oil for example and apply to the stressed areas 1 to 2 times a day.

    How to use essential oils for sport?

    Not recommended for babies and children under 6 years old and during pregnancy.

    Black Spruce Essential Oil for maximum vitality

    When the sunshine increases with the arrival of spring, the time change approaches. Scheduled at the end of March, in the off-season, it corresponds to the “loss” of one hour of sleep in the morning. The biological rhythm is thus disrupted and the body may feel a certain fatigue which must be alleviated with natural solutions before it takes hold.

    The Japanese carried out an astonishing study proving that the simple act of staying in the forest and breathing compounds naturally present in the air such as pinenes or limonene made it possible to reduce stress levels and improve immunity.

    Unless we can stay 2 days a month in the forest, black spruce essential oil provides us with some of the benefits of molecules naturally present in the forest.

    This is ultimately not so surprising, spruce essential oil is in fact one of the pine essential oils. The latter, as well as their main compounds, pinenes, have shown immunostimulating properties. They are also considered as adaptogenic oils, that is to say that they make the individual more resistant to stress , or at least, they help them to adapt to stress.

    On an energetic level, it is considered positive and a source of vitality and energy.

    On a psycho-emotional level, it is attributed with invigorating properties . It helps stimulate the body and mind. It gives new enthusiasm to surpass one's own limits.

    Use ?

      2 drops to massage with Hazelnut vegetable oil on each adrenal area (above the kidneys) or put 2 drops in your shower gel. In the morning or midday, do not use in the evening.

      Not recommended for babies and children under 6 years old and during pregnancy.

      Our products at your fingertips

      Essential oils

      Spike lavender - Bio

      10 ml - Bio

      Favorise la réparation épidermique. 100% pure, naturelle, et certifiée HECT.

      Sale price8,80 €
      Essential oils

      Sweet orange - Bio

      10 ml - Bio

      Découvrez l'Huile Essentielle d'Orange Douce. Une solution Pranarôm 100% biologique, pure et intégrale.

      Sale price5,90 €
      Essential oils

      Star aniseed - Bio

      10 ml - Bio

      Illicium verum. Une solution Pranarōm 100% biologique, pure et intégrale.

      Sale price4,45 €
      Essential oils

      Lemon eucalyptus

      10 ml

      100% pure et naturelle

      Sale price4,55 €
      Essential oils

      Black spruce - Bio

      10 ml - Bio

      Découvrez l'Huile Essentielle d'Epinette Noire. Une solution Pranarôm 100% biologique, pure et intégrale.

      Sale price11,00 €

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