Natural health Baby and maternity

Treat my baby with Essential Oils?

Soigner mon bébé avec des huiles essentielles ?

If Essential Oils are true allies in your daily life, you must know how to use them with caution and even more so for your baby or young child. The use of Essential Oils on your little one requires good knowledge of aromatherapy and scrupulous compliance with dosages. Want to know more ?

Essential Oils for babies

First of all, you should know that it is not recommended to use essential oils under the age of three months and that not all essential oils are authorized even after this age. The reason why we do not recommend the use of essential oils before 3 months is that babies are too young to be exposed to these active substances.

However, in Strasbourg, a neonatology study demonstrated that the diffusion of Vanilla had a positive impact on the respiratory rate of premature babies and on the reduction of sudden death. Thanks to this study, we know that certain essential oils used wisely can have beneficial effects on babies. However, it is essential that this is supervised by a health professional.

Essential Oils are active, concentrated and very powerful substances. They can be natural everyday allies for your baby, if used with caution and knowledge. To begin, here are some essential precautionary measures as well as a summary table which will help you make your mixtures of essential oils and vegetable oils according to the age of your child.

Here are some essential precautionary measures as well as a summary table which will help you make your mixtures of Essential Oils and Vegetable Oils according to the age of your child.

Precautionary measures

  • The choice of Essential Oil is essential : it is forbidden to use neurotoxic Essential Oils such as: Peppermint, Rosemary and camphor, mentholated Eucalyptus, etc. and too neurotonic as well as dermocaustic, such as: Cinnamon, Oregano, Thyme thymol, Savory, etc.;
  • No oral route before the age of 6. Before this age, always favor the cutaneous route, diffusion or rectal route;
  • Cutaneously, always diluted with a Vegetable Oil and maximum at 30%;
  • If you use a photo-sensitizing Essential Oil, no exposure to the sun for 6 hours after use;
  • Do not apply in the ears, eyes or nose.

This advice also applies to adults: Start with a skin test of the Essential Oil by diluting a drop in a little water and applying the mixture to the crook of your baby's elbow. The skin is very fragile there, it is a good allergy test. Without reaction for 24 hours, you can use the Essential Oil.

It is best to seek advice from a healthcare professional before use.

Dilution table for children

dilution table
  • For the cutaneous route, we treat with regard to the target organ . (Ex: stomach ache = we massage the stomach);
  • For diffusion, 3 drops in an ultrasonic diffuser for half an hour, then wait half an hour for bedtime. Do not diffuse when the child is sleeping.

Some Essential Oils recommended to soothe baby

Ravintsara and Niaouli against small respiratory tract infections (colds-bronchitis)

A cold quickly turns into bronchiolitis in toddlers. Certain essential oils can eliminate microbes and support the immune system like Essential Oil of Ravintsara or even Niaouli Essential Oil.

Examples of use:

  • To protect your baby who goes to daycare : if he is 1 year old for example, prepare the 11% dilution and apply the solution every morning to the soles of the feet: 3 drops of the mixture. (5 days a week throughout the risk period);
  • If your baby shows symptoms of a cold : he is 9 months old, you can achieve a 10% synergy and apply 3 to 4 drops, 3 to 4 times a day until improvement).

Tea tree for skin problems

Effective in the fight against many infections, Tea-tree Essential Oil , a great antibacterial agent, also helps to get rid of skin infections (wounds, mycoses, pimples, etc.), ENT infections (bronchial infection), or parasitic ( intestinal worms).

Example of use :

To deal with a Saint Catherine's wheel, a small pimple or an infected wound for example. Dilute the Essential Oil according to the age of the child. For example, if it is 3 years old, mix 1 drop of Tea-tree essential oil with 2 drops of Vegetable Oil (1 drop in 3 drops in total, or 33%), to apply locally.

Noble chamomile and Petit grain bigarade to relax and for gastrointestinal disorders

Nervous soothing par excellence, Noble Chamomile Essential Oil is also antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory. Which makes it a real ally in cases of colic.

If you prefer the smell of citrus fruits, Petit grain bigarade essential oil has beautiful calming and relaxing properties on the skin or olfactory via diffusion.

Example of use :

Is your baby nervous? Is he crying and having increasingly intense colic? Noble Chamomile Essential Oil can be used. Mix in your hand 1 drop of Noble Chamomile Essential Oil with 2 drops of Sweet Almond Vegetable Oil . Warm the mixture between your hands then massage the baby's stomach.

Noble laurel for mouth problems

Noble Laurel Essential Oil is particularly indicated for mouth problems: teething, impetigo . It is also recommended to strengthen self-confidence when your little one starts school for example, and regulates the nervous system. For the latter, use the olfaction technique (1 drop on each wrist and breathe deeply 3 times in a row, diluted with a Vegetable Oil if your child is under 6 years old).

Example of use :

For a mouth problem, mix 2 drops of Noble Laurel Essential Oil with 1 drop of Vegetable Oil, massage into the mouth maximum 2-3 times a day.

Italian helichrysum (Immortelle) in case of bruises and/or bumps

Anti-traumatic and anti-inflammatory par excellence, Immortelle Essential Oil is recognized as a miraculous Essential Oil! To find out more about it, go to the blog article: The mysterious Italian Helichrysum dedicated to this Essential Oil.

Example of use :

Massage 1 drop of Immortelle Essential Oil mixed with 2 drops of Vegetable Oil onto bruises and bumps as soon as they fall likely to cause them (up to 3 times a day).

True lavender to fight lice and sleep well

Essential at home , True Lavender Essential Oil is known to regulate the nervous system and to calm and relax in order to spend a peaceful night. It is also an excellent lice repellent.

Examples of use:

  • For restful sleep: 1 drop on the pillow before the bedtime ritual;
  • To prevent lice : Spray true lavender essential oil using the aromaself spray container on coat collars, for example, in the morning before leaving for school.

A range of finished products: Pranabb

Above, you could see that certain essential oils can be used even for the little ones. However, if you are looking for simple and secure access, the result of 30 years of expertise in aromatherapy, there is the PranaBB range . In this range, each composition is studied precisely according to the toxicity of the molecules contained in the essential oils, the dosage is adapted to babies and the routes of administration. Each formula is registered with the authorities and complies with current regulations.

  • The pectoral balm : The pectoral balm is a very gentle and certified organic gel with essential oils of balsam fir, black spruce, shell marjoram and fragrant inula. An ideal aromatic synergy to facilitate and clear breathing;
  • Natural defenses massage oil : baby is going to daycare and you want to strengthen his natural defenses so that he stays in great shape and avoids germs. Discover the new formula of this massage oil enriched with Essential Oils of Thyme CT Thujanol, Lavandin Super, Ravintsara, Mandravasarotra or even Lemon essence. These essential oils with beautiful antiviral, immunostimulating and antibacterial properties are ideal for baby to stay in great shape;
  • Digestive comfort massage oil : certified organic massage oil with Essential Oils of noble chamomile, true lavender, bitter orange petitgrain and fennel. An aromatic synergy to help relieve stomach cramps, promote digestion and soothe the baby's agitation following the feeling of discomfort;
  • The teething gel : His teeth are making him suffer... The “Dentaling” gel is a gingival gel with a pleasant taste, without sugar, with certified organic Essential Oils of katrafay, noble chamomile and cloves, combined with the oily macerate of calendula. A gentle aromatic formula that calms and soothes baby's discomfort. The product quickly comforts sensitive gums in complete safety;
  • You will also find solutions in the PranaBB range for red and irritated baby bottoms, bruises and bumps and mosquito bites.

The broadcast for babies

Diffusion is a very gentle aromatherapy technique. It allows essential oils to be diffused into the air in order to sanitize it or to diffuse essential oils which will have an impact on our emotions.
Moms know that they can aromatize baby's room before bedtime to purify the air or promote sleep. It’s a simple and beneficial gesture that any family can appreciate. There is no contraindication, as long as you have carefully selected these essential oils because some are not suitable for diffusion or for children. However, it is important to know that you should never diffuse while the child is sleeping and that you should be careful not to direct the essential oils towards the baby's face.

The DOUDOU diffuser/night light has been specially designed for the baby's room. It works with 3 drops of essential oils suitable for babies and water (ultrasonic diffuser). It has various broadcast functions, namely “ continuous mode ” and “discontinuous mode” . Discontinuous mode means it runs 30 seconds “on” then 30 seconds “off”. Regarding the broadcast duration, it stops after 1 hour, 3 hours or 7 hours of broadcast as desired. These modes have been designed so that you remain completely calm or serene, because everything is done to avoid the toxicity of essential oils. For a child's bedroom, preferably choose discontinuous mode and not broadcast for more than an hour.

Concerning diffusion mixtures of essential oils, several essential oils are suitable for diffusion in a baby's living rooms from the age of 3 months. To simplify things, Pranarôm offers 3 blends of essential oils specifically formulated for babies: Sleep diffusion , Sanitizing Or Lemongrass .

Usage tips :

  • From 3 months;
  • 3 drops in the ultrasonic diffuser;
  • 30 minutes of diffusion, (turn off 30 minutes before bedtime).

Our products at your fingertips

Essential oils

Tea-tree - Bio

10 ml - Bio

Huile Essentielle de Tea-Tree BIO, 100% pure, intégrale et chémotypée. Reconnue pour son action à large spectre.

Sale price8,60 €
Essential oils

Laurel Bay

5 ml

Laurus nobilis - Une solution Pranarôm 100% pure et intégrale.

Sale price8,55 €
Essential oils

Roman chamomille - Bio

5 ml - Bio

Découvrez l'Huile Essentielle de Camomille Noble. Une solution Pranarôm 100% biologique, pure et intégrale.

Sale price22,90 €

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