Natural health

Stop the gastro: essential oils to the rescue!

Halte à la gastro : les huiles essentielles à la rescousse !

Relieve gastro symptoms with essential oil

Fever, stomach ache, diarrhea and vomiting often go hand in hand with gastroenteritis. Seeking treatment from a doctor is absolutely essential.

However, in addition to traditional medical treatments, we can think of essential oils for gastro in order to cleanse the intestinal sphere, facilitate digestion and reduce the discomfort of this disease.

Find out how to use essential oil to relieve gastro .

Against diarrhea

Dominique Baudoux in his booklet “Chemotyped Essential Oils” suggests that for diarrhea we take the following mixture:

  • HECT cinnamon (leaf or bark): 1 drop
  • HECT tea-tree: 1 drop
  • HECT palmarosa: 1 drop
  • HECT tarragon: 1 drop

Take this vegetable preparation in a spoonful of olive oil 3 times a day with meals. This dosage may seem very high, because we arrive at 12 drops per day. However, it is what is suitable to benefit from all its benefits.

Simpler, you can also use anti-gastro essential oil capsules which cleanse the digestive sphere.

Warning: this digestive remedy is not suitable for pregnant or breastfeeding women, nor for sensitive subjects or for a child.

Against nausea

When “nothing else is happening”, we can also rely on peppermint essential oil , to be taken as a single drop on a piece of sugar or directly under the tongue to reduce nausea , but also to refresh the breath and comfort quickly. It's the same principle as with the well-known mint alcohol, but more complex, more natural and faster. Note that peppermint contains ketones and is not suitable for pregnant women or children.

OLEOCAPS 2 or 3 to treat discomfort?

Oléocaps 2 Intestinal Health capsules contain essential oils known to relieve intestinal disorders: cinnamon , oregano, basil and savory in particular. We generally take 2 capsules before each meal to reduce discomfort (diarrhea, colic and bloating). These capsules are sold exclusively in pharmacies in France. They are not suitable for pregnant or breastfeeding women. For children between 6 and 14 years old, we recommend 1 to 2 capsules per day maximum.

Please note, do not confuse it with oleocaps 3 “Digestion and Transit” which are capsules based on peppermint, anise and basil which facilitate digestion, but which are not there to cleanse the digestive tract. However, they can be useful in cases of heaviness in the stomach, spasms or bloating.

4 other essential oils to treat gastroenteritis

1. Noble laurel

This anti-gastro essential oil based on noble laurel has anti-infectious properties to fight viruses and antispasmodic benefits to relieve stomach aches. Place 2 drops on a support (sugar, honey, neutral tablet), let it melt in the mouth 3 times a day over a course of 3 days maximum.

2. Chinese cinnamon

Chinese cinnamon essential oil is known for its anti-infectious properties. It is ideal for reducing infection and preventing the spread of the virus. Place 1 drop of essential oil on bread crumbs, and swallow quickly with a little water twice a day for a maximum of 3 days.

3. Ravintsara

Ravintsara gastro essential oil is an excellent anti-infective since it contains monoterpene oxides. It helps increase your immune defenses. Apply 2 drops of ravintsara oil in a tablespoon of apricot kernel vegetable oil. Massage your stomach clockwise 3 times a day, for 5 days.

4. Exotic basil

Exotic basil essential oil is very effective in reducing digestive spasms and pain thanks to methylchavicol. It is renowned for its calming and anti-infectious properties.

Apply 2 drops of exotic basil essential oil in 1 tablespoon of apricot kernel vegetable oil. Then, slowly massage your stomach clockwise and lower back twice a day for up to 5 days.

Our advice to reduce stomach pain

Opt for organic anti-gastro essential oil to benefit from the soothing properties of plants in addition to your traditional medications. You thus reduce the symptoms as much as possible with a slow and lasting action of the plants.


Final advice: eat light (toast or rice for example), stay rested and get some fresh air from time to time by walking outside, in the street or in your garden. Drink water to stay hydrated. For prevention, take care to wash your hands several times a day to eliminate viruses.

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