Cleansing recipe : Air freshener

Recette: Assainir et purifier l’air

Ideal spray to cleanse and purify the indoor air at home or in the office.

To make my synergy

EO Ravintsara - 150 drops
EO Lemon - 100 drops
EO true Lavender - 40 drops
Spray 30 ml

How to use it

Spray once or twice, 3 to 4 times a day.


Autorisé aux femmes enceintes

+1 year
1 year
Temps de préparation

 How can I carry out my blend?

Pour in the drops of essential oils, always starting with the smallest quantity. Tip your bottle at a 45° angle so that you can easily count the number of drops.

Tip: Double the dose of each EO to fill the bottle and benefit from your personalised spray for longer

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Any opinion, reflection and advice given can in no way replace a consultation with a doctor or therapist whom you should contact for your follow-up.

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Ravintsara - Bio

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Huile Essentielle de Ravintsara BIO, 100% pure, intégrale et chémotypée. Reconnue pour être l'alliée de l'hiver.

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Lemon - Bio

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