Aromatherapy Natural health

Fibromyalgia: What solutions with aromatherapy?

Fibromyalgie : Quelles solutions avec l’aromathérapie ?

Muscle, tendon and joint pain, troubled sleep, depression, anxiety, fatigue upon waking?

The symptoms that characterize fibromyalgia are numerous and very varied both in number and intensity.

A vague disease therefore, and a disease which still has difficulty finding good therapeutic answers with modern medicine today.

Many fibromyalgia patients hope for noticeable relief by exploring the therapeutic resources of aromatherapy.

So, what essential oil remedy to relieve the symptoms of fibromyalgia ?

The typical pain points of fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia: what is it?

The word “fibromyalgia” evokes the Latin fibra ( “filament” , which here evokes tendons and joints), and the ancient Greek my or myos ( “muscle” ) and algos ( “pain” ).

It was only in 1992 that the WHO (World Health Organization) recognized this disease as rheumatic. It has been referenced for several years under its own name as a disease, under the reference M079.

“Fibro” was previously only considered by the medical profession as a psychiatric syndrome, or even female hysteria.

In fact, the disease has no biological trace and therefore cannot be diagnosed based on a blood test or a precise examination.

Typically female, the pain of fibromyalgia affects just under 2% of the population in the industrialized world, including 70% women!

Describing fibromyalgia in two sentences is not easy. It is a disease which is characterized by pain and fatigue, and which seems to be linked to certain nervous disorders which can be both the consequence and the cause.

Why use essential oils?

With a natural treatment protocol based on essential oils, muscle and joint disorders can be alleviated, allowing patients to resume physical activity in good conditions, for example. Stress or anxiety related to pain may also decrease.

The use of a roller based on essential oils for muscles and joints improves well-being via natural, non-invasive treatment protocols for the body. It would be a shame to do without the benefits of aromatherapy!

Quality food, physical activity, vitamin: we often forget to combine a healthy lifestyle with the use of flowers or other plants as part of improving our overall well-being.

Grandma's remedy for fibromyalgia is a first alternative to more invasive medications without being any more effective.

In synergy, the blend of essential oils makes an excellent grandmother's remedy for fibromyalgia . The symptoms will disappear little by little to relieve the body and above all regain real comfort in everyday life.

We wanted to take stock of the naturopathic approach to fibromyalgia by discussing possible solutions with Dominique Baudoux, pharmacist and aromatologist internationally appreciated for his works on health with essential oils .

Interview with Dominique Baudoux, pharmacist-aromatologist and author (MA) : Dominique Baudoux, is a treatment protocol based on essential oils possible for fibromyalgia?

Dominique Baudoux (DB) : Yes, but it is very complex. Indeed, a treatment protocol adapted to fibromyalgia should ideally:

  • Drain all emunctories from the body
  • Intervene effectively on the immune system
  • Offer effective analgesic action
  • Act deeply on the nervous system

When the whole body is sensitive and hurts, when in addition the neuromediation function is affected, a range of therapeutic means is required. Aromatherapy can provide a very complete response to cases of fibromyalgia, but it will combine several remedies.

MA : Your naturopathic approach to the “field” invites you to recommend that we drain the body. How ?

DB : Good food hygiene is essential but it is important to eliminate all toxins and other residues because they cause painful inflammatory conditions and sometimes weaken the natural immune defenses.

Lovage (root), Rosemary CT verbenone , cultivated carrot, common juniper and cultivated celery give interesting essential oils. You have to think about it as part of a long-term care protocol .

MA : And to intervene on the immune system? What essential oils?

DB : Nothing is better than compact Oregano for upgrading the body's defenses and also acting in a very beneficial way on the commensal flora of the intestines . With Oregano capsules , a major depuration cleanse continues. You can take 1 capsule morning and noon, during a meal. Taking these doses can last 3 weeks, then stop for 1 week and resume according to the same cycle.

MA : These two actions, the drainage of the emunctories and the sanitation of the body, are the basis of a successful treatment protocol but they will not have a direct effect on the pain. What to do ?

DB : Against pain, we will take care to combine several means, acting both on the muscular sphere and on the nervous and emotional system .

Wintergreen , true lavender , ylang-ylang and many others relieve spasms , inflammation , pain and contractures . Nothing is more useful than an oil flavored with these essential oils to provide local relief through the skin. If certain areas are more painful or do not allow a gentle massage, I recommend the Aromalgic spray which is more concentrated in essential oils than massage oil and which allows easy application thanks to the spray without propellant gas, for a more intense action Again.

At the same time, we will also make sure to inhale essential oils throughout the day or night in order to act on the olfactory neuroreceptors. They are directly related to the central nervous system (CNS) and are an ideal way to manage the most intense pain.

MA : How to act on pain through olfaction?

DB : You can prepare a mixture of essential oils diluted in vegetable oil as follows:

Pain or anxiety

Essential oil and emotional balance are directly linked. Store this 10 ml aromatic mixture in an amber glass dropper bottle that you keep with you. For each need (more intense pain or anxiety), apply 3 drops to the inside of the wrists. We join our hands in a cathedral shape to cover our nose and inhale deeply 3 times.

MA : This mixture is formulated with the aim of rebalancing the nervous sphere through olfaction, but what can you do if you suffer so much that you become particularly irritable and dark or violent thoughts take hold?

DB : Olfaction already does a lot and the presence of Frankincense and Ylang-ylang is comforting . However, we can consider another mixture to be used to provide intense and rapidde-stress ”, in an aromatic bath for example.

Synergy for the bath

A synergy for the bath to test at a rate of 6 drops per bath in a neutral bath oil, a dose of crème fraîche or an egg yolk to disperse in the bath water:

This aromatic bath will guarantee absolute “ zenitude ”. It also invites restful sleep . If you really want to optimize the action on the nervous system and regulate both mood and sleep, you can also consider taking 2 Oléocaps+ 7 Relaxation capsules each evening at bedtime. Restorative sleep is crucial in managing the disease .

Thanks to Dominique Baudoux for this interesting protocol and all our thoughts for people affected by fibromyalgia. We invite them to of course consult their doctor regularly and to discuss these additional treatment options with him.

Last little natural health tips : anti-inflammatory foods, herbal medicine or even acupuncture are also interesting options as part of our fibromyalgia care protocol .


Huiles Essentielles et Antibiotiques égal la fin des pathogènes résistants ?

On ne le répétera jamais assez, l’utilisation des antibiotiques doit être mesurée et limitée aux cas où ils s’avèrent nécessaires

Palliative Care: Essential Oils in the hospital

Essential Oils are an asset for palliative care teams In recent years, scientific aromatherapy has gradually penetrated the walls of our hospitals. However, progress is slow and the training needs of the teams are numerous. However, many palliative care services have understood the benefit of essential oils in hospitals. The 18th congress of the SFAP - French Society for Support and Palliative Care - which was recently held in Strasbourg was the ideal opportunity to take stock of the issue with Dominique Baudoux, pharmacist and aromatologist CEO of Pranarôm. We find some photos of the event and some formulas adapted to palliative care. Essential Oils in a hospital? Aromatherapy in hospitals remains an exception. And yet, when we listen to the testimonies of members of hospital departments where essential oils have been introduced, we are faced with very positive experiences both for the health of patients and for the medical teams: “By examining the figures for years where ravintsara essential oil was diffused in the rooms, we noticed that the number of nosocomial infections was significantly lower. » (JMB, emergency doctor). “Patients appreciate it and pressure ulcer care becomes more pleasant thanks to the fragrance. » (MCD, nurse) “We have very good results for treating the side effects of chemotherapy and in particular for mouth ulcers and digestion problems. The result is conclusive and patients are more relaxed. » (GV, doctor) The new Mouscron Hospital Center, in Belgium, is a pioneer in the use of essential oils in its services. Unfortunately, as medical teams are poorly trained and still not aware of the effectiveness of essential oils, progress is slow. It is also very often individuals motivated by their experience within hospital services who bring essential oils into practice. Aromatherapy therefore owes a lot to nurses, who are increasingly convinced of the benefit of aromatic care for patients. In France and Belgium, the most receptive healthcare teams are certainly those in palliative care, maternity wards and aesthetic nursing who collaborate with palliative care, psychiatry but also and above all oncology services. andnbsp; Dominique Baudoux at the 18th SFAP Congress: “Beyond borders” Between June 28 and 30, 2012, Strasbourg welcomed professionals from the palliative care sector for the Congress of the French Society of Support and Palliative Care. A leading event to study the contours of the medical discipline of palliative care, today with many faces. Dominique Baudoux at the SFAP congress in June 2012 On Friday June 29, Dominique Baudoux (pharmacist aromatologist and CEO of Pranarôm) participated in a plenary session devoted to “Complementary Medicines”. His speech, highly anticipated by the public, had the theme “Aromatherapy: Myth or reality? » During his presentation, which aimed both to illustrate the practice of aromatherapy by care teams and to support the scientific arguments which prove the effectiveness of the protocols, Dominique Baudoux was able to recall some simple formulas and others more complex. We provide you below with some formulas taken from the works and presentations of Dominique Baudoux. Diffuse Essential Oils in patient rooms. The diffusion of essential oils in a hospital environment is often a first step and makes it possible to purify the air, make it easier for patients to breathe and pleasantly scent smelly rooms. A SANITIZING and preventive formula HECT Melaleuca quinquenervia - 3 ml HECT Pinus pinaster - 2 ml Ess. Citrus limon (z) - 5 ml S/ Diffuse for one hour 3 times a day. A formula for DEODORIZATION: HECT Litsea citrata - 3 ml HECT Citrus sinensis (Z) - 4 ml HECT Lavandula burnatii super - 3 ml S/ Diffuse 1 hour 3 to 4 times a day depending on the circumstances. Massaging patients at the end of life. Aromatherapy places pride of place on TOUCH , patients and caregivers in palliative care units particularly appreciate the use of effective massage formulas. A formula from Dominique Baudoux in case of CONSTIPATION: CTO Zingiber officinale 5 ml CTO Ocimum basilicum 1 ml HV Apricot kernels 4 ml S/ 8 to 10 drops on the stomach with a light massage in the direction of the intestines. Another formula from Dominique Baudoux aimed at facilitating BREATHING and preventing respiratory discomfort: HECT Cinnamosma fragrans 3 ml HECT Melaleuca quinquenervia 1 ml HECT Eucalyptus dives 1 ml HECT Cymbopogon martinii 1 ml HV Apricot kernels 9 ml S/ 10 to 12 drops on the thorax or upper back once a day for prevention and 6 times per day as a cure. A great collaboration! Dominique Baudoux surrounded by Anne-Françoise Malotaux, Régine Pire and Aude Maillard Through Dominique Baudoux and the team of specialists who were present, Pranarôm is delighted to have been able to actively participate in the SFAP congress. The practice of palliative care has a lot to contribute to aromatherapy, and essential oils are also a significant contribution to the teams. A special thank you to Aude Maillard, specialized aromatherapist, for being present on the Pranarôm stand to help us during the event.