Skin care recipe : Superficial mycosis (prevention and shoe maintenance)

Recette soins de la peau : Mycoses (prévention et entretien des chaussures)

This practical spray will allow you to keep your shoes in good hygienic condition by getting rid of nasty smells and limiting the development of the fungi that cause nail mycosis.

To make my synergy

EO Tea tree - 300 drops
EO Palmarosa - 180 drops
EO Lemon eucalyptus - 120 drops
Spray 30 ml

How to use it

Spray straight into the shoes, ideally in the evening and leave to dry for the whole night. 


Autorisé aux femmes enceintes

+3 years
1 year
Temps de préparation

 How can I carry out my blend?

Pour in the drops of essential oils, always starting with the smallest quantity. Tip your bottle at a 45° angle so that you can easily count the number of drops.

Useful to know: despite having a fragrance that may not be everyone's cup of tea, tea tree essential oil is probably the best known in the world. A powerful anti-infection agent, it is found in a lot of synergies to fight all types of infections: bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. 

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Any opinion, reflection and advice given can in no way replace a consultation with a doctor or therapist whom you should contact for your follow-up.

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