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Recipe for atmospheric diffusion : Winter ailments (diffusion)

Recette diffusion atmosphérique : Prévention (diffusion)

A pleasant purifying synergy, to be diffused or sprayed into the air during sensitive winter periods.

To make my synergy

EO Scots pine - 25 drops
EO Ho wood - 25 drops
EO Ravintsara - 60 drops
EO Lemon - 40 drops

Drop counter 10 ml 

How to use it

Pour 5-10 drops into an ultrasonic diffuser and diffuse for 30 minutes, 2-3 times a day.


Autorisé aux femmes enceintes

+ 6 years
1 year
Temps de préparation

 How can I carry out my blend?

Pour in the drops of essential oils, always starting with the smallest quantity. Tip your bottle at a 45° angle so that you can easily count the number of drops. 

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Any opinion, reflection and advice given can in no way replace a consultation with a doctor or therapist whom you should contact for your follow-up.

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