Aromatherapy Natural health

Ravintsara essential oil, a Malagasy treasure

Huile essentielle de Ravintsara, un trésor Malgache

Ravintsara essential oil is a must for aromatherapy lovers. Recognized for its superb antiviral, immunostimulating and anti-infectious properties, it helps fight against many ailments! The use of Ravintsara offers multiple benefits for the skin and strengthens the immune system during winter. We explain how to take advantage of all its benefits!

Ravintsara essential oil

How to recognize it?

The Ravintsara or Madagascar Camphor Tree ( Cinnamomum camphora CT 1.8 cineole ) is part of the Lauraceae family.

Both wild and cultivated, the bushy tree measures 5 to 8 meters and can reach up to 15 meters. It likes humid, sunny areas. It favors areas with high rainfall, temperatures above 5°C, and sandy, draining soil because its roots cannot tolerate being waterlogged.

The dark colored leaves are oval, broad, evergreen and shiny on the upper surface. They give off a fresh smell linked to the presence of 1.8 cineole . Ravintsara essential oil is obtained by distillation of the leaves .

Flowering takes place from November to January, the flowers are greenish and have 3 petals. The fruit consists of a berry divided into 6 quarters, each containing a seed.


Still unknown in the 1980s , Ravintsara is imported from Asia to Madagascar. Originally, this species contained a high concentration of camphor but its chemical composition evolved on Malagasy soil . When it is established in the lands of Madagascar, the plant mutates and practically no longer contains camphor; on the other hand, it is enriched in another molecule: 1.8 cineole .

Used in traditional medicine by traditional practitioners, it is very effective in treating several illnesses. Hence its name Ravintsara, which means “leaf good for everything” . In Malagasy: Ravina = Leaf , Tsara = Good . It is described as miraculous, capable of curing all kinds of illnesses and infections, a “ medicine tree ”. The Malagasy use it to treat a multitude of ailments, and to flavor artisanal rum.

The particularity of Ravintsara lies in the fact that once adapted to the Malagasy terroir, it became a camphor tree without camphor. In low altitude humid areas, we witness its rapid growth. On the other hand, in the highlands, its growth is rather slow and its quality clearly higher. Indeed, following water stress and the cooler climate, the tree produces more essence and thus gains in composition (cineol ) and olfactory quality.

Use of Ravintsara: What is it for?

Ravintsara provides an exceptional essential oil to fight against winter illnesses and other viruses . It is impressive from every point of view: effectiveness, safety , tolerance. It is used for respiratory discomfort such as rhinitis, nasopharyngitis, and fatty coughs.

A superb antiviral, the use of Ravintsara is also a useful ally for the prevention of the flu and to fight against any viral form: herpes, hepatitis, etc. Neurotonic, this plant rebalances the nervous system, it tones up during a slump.

Each individual will therefore be able to react differently to this essential oil, some will feel calmer and others more dynamic. It helps rebalance the body and regain calm .

As we said above, this essential oil is a great ally against many ailments, such as: colds, rhinitis, sinusitis, shingles, herpes, etc. Depending on its use, it can be used orally, cutaneously or even in olfaction.


Here are some tips and advice for use:

Boost your immunity

First use of Ravintsara , that of increasing immunity and strengthening the immune defenses of adults. To do this, follow the following instructions:


The properties of the Ravintsara plant also help fight flu symptoms such as cough or fever:

  • In case of flu or virus: 4 drops on the thorax, 4 x / day for 7 days or if you prefer on the spine. For little ones, massage 1 drop diluted with 2 drops of apricot kernel vegetable oil onto the arch of the foot (5 days a week).
  • On the skin: as a precaution, you can dilute Ravintsara essential oil in a vegetable oil of your choice.

Thanks to this skin application, not only will you have all the benefits of the skin route and also the benefits of the respiratory and ENT routes. In addition, what is interesting about the application to the arches of the feet is that they are in direct contact with the pulmonary pathway. As a result, the lungs will directly benefit from the benefits of cineol when using Ravintsara .

Lip button

The application and use of Ravintsara in the form of essential oil also helps to disappear or reduce lip spots and cold sores:

Dilute 1 drop of Ravintsara essential oil with a carrier oil and apply to the affected area.

Runny nose

If you suffer from a cold, using Ravintsara with or without vegetable oil also helps limit viral illnesses:

  • Inhaled, 5 drops in a bowl of steaming water , in the absence of fever, for 1 to 10 minutes, inhaled (3 times a day and it is recommended not to go outside immediately after inhalation);
  • Second tip : Dilute 1 to 2 drops of Ravintsara essential oil with a vegetable oil and massage into the sinuses . Be careful not to put the essential oil too close to the eyes. If essential oil gets into your eyes, rinse immediately with a vegetable oil.

Create your own sanitizing spray

It is entirely possible to create your own sanitizing spray for the respiratory and nasal passages. To do this, combine in a bottle:

  • 200 drops of lemon essence ;
  • 300 drops of Ravintsara Essential Oil ;
  • 80 drops of True Lavender Essential Oil ;
  • All in a 30 ml Spray container.
  • Spray several times a day if necessary to purify the air and provide a pleasant scent.

Don't want to create your own sanitizing spray? Diffuse Ravintsara essential oil using your diffuser for 10 to 20 minutes, 3 times a day (10 to 15 drops of essential oil are enough).

Diffusion via a diffuser or via a spray will purify the atmosphere. This simple gesture helps strengthen immunity and avoid the risk of contamination. You can also combine Scots Pine or Black Spruce essential oils in your diffusion synergy.

What precautions for use for Ravintsara?

  • Not recommended during the first 3 months of pregnancy and in breastfeeding women
  • For children for skin use only, from the age of 6 (see dosage)
  • Asthmatics and epileptics fear too high a level of 1.8 cineole. Organic Ravintsara must be used knowingly.

A good alternative for people with asthma is Mandravasarotra essential oil . It is also a Malagasy treasure but comes from the other side of the island!

To find out more or if you have the slightest doubt about yourself or your child, seek advice from health professionals at a pharmacy or from a doctor.

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