Aromatherapy Natural health

E. Coli and aromatherapy: the right strategy?

E. Coli et aromathérapie : une stratégie adéquate ?

Do you know the E.coli bacteria (Escherichia coli)? This type of bacteria is well known to aromatherapy professionals.

Indeed, certain anti-infectious essential oils have proven effective on numerous strains and many publications have reported them.

Which essential oil for an Escherichia coli urinary infection ? Can taking essential oils prevent infection, or even permanently cleanse infected digestive tracts? Let’s take stock with Dominique Baudoux, pharmacist-aromatologist

Interview with Dominique Baudoux, pharmacist-aromatologist

Dominique Baudoux, what are we talking about when we talk about killer bacteria? It is first necessary to provide general and objective information on E. Coli (Escherichia coli).

It is a common bacteria in the digestive tract of animals and humans. Most strains of E. Coli are harmless.

However, certain enterohemorrhagic strains (ECEH) sometimes cause serious food poisoning following the consumption of contaminated food (undercooked meats, poorly washed vegetables).

Symptoms of conditions caused by E. Coli are nausea, abdominal cramps, vomiting and diarrhea progressing to episodes of bloody diarrhea.

In most affected people, recovery is achieved within ten days, but in some, the infection can lead to a fatal condition characterized by acute kidney failure, hemolytic anemia and thrombocytopenia.

What are the E. Coli treatments?

“We obviously think of antibiotics... The problem, however, lies in the apparent ineffectiveness of antibiotics on this particularly resistant bacterial strain . We better understand the fears of the medical world regarding the development of this infection without any means to stop it. »

In the context of an infection, we can turn to natural health alternatives such as essential oil for an Escherichia coli urinary infection. 

Always with the agreement of your doctor, a few drops of the right essential oils can be used as a treatment for cystitis and other difficulties urinating.

And are essential oils effective for urinary infections ?

“We know the bactericidal activity (destruction of bacteria) of several essential oils with a broad anti-infectious spectrum. One of the most powerful and most indicated in this situation is Chinese Cinnamon and Ceylon Cinnamon (bark).

Indeed, the evaluation of their activity is measured by the same clinical biology method as that used for antibiotics. The evidence exists and allows an effective alternative to antibiotics and this is not the first time that chemotyped essential oils have treated, for example, E. Coli urinary infections. »

The use of an essential oil for urinary problems therefore takes the form of a simple and non-invasive treatment, which helps relieve the bladder and eliminate bacteria.

Cystitis is common in women, and Escherichia coli essential oil for urinary tract infection helps to thoroughly treat the problem to prevent the recurrence of the infection and the pain that goes with it. We treat at the source and not just the symptoms!

What recommendations during times of crisis?

“The first recommendation concerns hygiene : wash organic fruits and vegetables in clean water several times, adding a little vinegar to the washing water, cook high-risk meats sufficiently (be careful with burgers and American foods), wash your hands with detergent before meals. »

In addition to an essential oil for an Escherichia coli urinary infection , these are all good reflexes that will allow you to preserve the health of your intimate area.

What to do for prevention?

“For optimal protection, nothing could be simpler: Oregano capsules or Oléocaps 1 :1 capsule morning and evening with meals, five days a week for 3 to 4 weeks. To be repeated depending on the presence of the infectious risk.

We therefore take the same prevention as that necessary for trips to tropical regions. For people who are very sensitive to the liver or cannot tolerate oregano, you can act in the same way with Oléocaps 2 capsules (synergy of cleansing essential oils containing less oregano). »

Rather than providing a response to your pain, it is better to prevent it, especially for women! The products mentioned above contain essential oil for an Escherichia coli urinary infection , helping to maintain healthy urine.

If you have suffered from an infection and it is cured, these capsules help you ward off a potential return of a urinary infection.

In case of proven infection?

“If there is a declared infection, it is necessary to use the oral route with the same capsules at a rate of 3 capsules 4 times a day for 3 days, then 3 capsules 3 times a day for 7 additional days.

In addition, the following synergy must be combined with the cutaneous route:

Apply 20 drops to the stomach every hour (8 to 10 times a day) for a minimum of 5 to 7 days.

The treatment uses caustic essential oils, which is why we dilute them in a Vegetable Oil . However, a slight redness may appear. Nothing could be more normal unless the patient has very sensitive and/or allergic skin. »

Any conclusions to draw?

“In the absence of medicinal means, there is an urgent need to open our minds to other active therapeutic tools . In infectious diseases, essential oils take precedence over all other means. Let us remember that the Tea Tree was destroyed, with supporting evidence, by an H1N1 virus ... history is just an eternal beginning. Essential oils treated the plague in the Middle Ages; today, they treat other scourges that are barely different. Think about it, because these are the drugs of the future. »


1,2,3 slimming! Lose weight with essential oils

You know that only a good balanced diet and physical activity can really help you lose weight. Yes, but it's far from easy and fashionable cosmetics promise you to lose 2 cm from your waistline and sculpt your figure in a few days. Not to mention fat-burning food supplements. What is it really ?

Chlorella: a food supplement worthy of the name!

Pranarôm is a Laboratory specializing in Essential Oils, but also adheres to the global values ​​of natural health. Pranarôm therefore does not neglect the contribution of micro-algae. Indeed, our laboratory has always offered Chlorella and Spirulina tablets of impeccable quality. But what is Chlorella? Chlorella is a green algae that grows in fresh water. Its name comes from the Greek, “chloros” meaning green and “ella” meaning small. Its composition is very rich in essential nutrients: 1 tablet contains 69% protein! Here are some interesting points from the nutritional analysis (in RDA for 3 tablets): Vit 12: 195% Vit D: 56%! Vit A: 34% Vit K1: 23.7% Vit M (folic acid): 24.8% Iron 13%!!! Vit B2: 7.5% (Vit B1, B 3, B5, B6, C, E, calcium, copper, phosphorus, chromium, copper, potassium, zinc, chlorophyll: less than 3%) Iodine: 0% What is the point of Chlorella? This micro algae has a high nutritional value and is recommended to an impressive number of people. It is very well tolerated and even recommended for pregnant women and children! It has one main property that I find particularly interesting: it chelates heavy metals. Rather relevant in our polluted lives and in these times of crisis! Chlorella helps the body to release heavy metals that it accumulates in particular through food (e.g. mercury in fish, etc.). What about its properties? First of all, advice to athletes and students who eat an unbalanced diet: it is a very good source of proteins, vitamins and minerals! Nutrient intake: Chlorella contains 19 amino acids, all the major vitamins, all the classic minerals and enough beta-carotene and xanthophylls to make it a powerful antioxidant. It is the plant richest in chlorophyll (four times more than Spirulina, spinach and nettles). Good to know if you are vegetarian, it contains 60% vegetable protein, a good dose of vitamin B12, which vegetarians look for, and a high concentration of alpha linolenic acid, a short chain omega-3 fatty acid. Vitamin and mineral intake : In a dose of 3 grams there is as much vitamin C as in an orange, the recommended daily intake of lutein, a pigment that protects the eyes against the formation of cataracts, a good intake of iron, very bioavailable thanks to the natural presence of vitamin C and chlorophyll, which help its assimilation. Finally, lots of phosphorus, an essential mineral for calcium fixation. Benefits on the blood system and cholesterol: Chlorella tends to lower blood pressure and bad cholesterol. In an American study published in 2002, doctors gave chlorella to patients with low hypertension. Without medication, 25% of participants maintained correct blood pressure during the medication-free study. (Nutritional supplementation with Chlorella pyrenoidosa for mild to moderate hypertension, Merchant, RE, André, CA, Sica, DA. J. Med Food. 2002 Fall;5(3):141-52) . Of course, this does not mean that you should stop your treatment without talking to a doctor. Benefits on the immune system : In 1966, in a study carried out on 1000 sailors, the consumption of 2 grams of chlorella per day reduced flus and colds by 37%. ( Effect of Chlorella on rate of catching cold of the 1966 training crew fleet. Japan Medical Science Meeting, Japan 1966). In a Bulgarian study on bovine bronchopneumonia, 72% of animals that ate chlorella escaped the disease, while only 56 and 60% respectively were protected by two veterinary vaccines (Use of non-specific agents …in bronchopneumonia prevention, Terziev, Planski. Vet Med Nauki 1983;20(1):36. Japanese researchers claim that this algae could reduce body fat percentage, blood sugar levels and help people with type 2 diabetes , obesity, cancer, or heart conditions. Some go so far as to say that supplementing with chlorella could boost energy and improve mood. Randall Merchant, professor of neurosurgery and anatomy at Virginia Commonwealth University, USA, does research on brain tumors, traumatic aftereffects of the brain, and heart attacks. It emerged from its clinical studies, among other things, that chlorella supplementation showed a significant reduction in blood cholesterol levels . It is suggested that this could significantly reduce blood pressure in hypertensive patients in 50% of cases. In 2008 the same Professor Merchant studied the effects of chlorella on patients with metabolic syndrome, a collection of symptoms that causes the body's cells to become less sensitive to insulin , and therefore a precursor to diabetes. The conclusion was that chlorella supplementation could be beneficial in preventing cellular desensitization to insulin. Or, very commonly, one could imagine that it could slow down or prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes. Finally, the publication: "Antioxidant and anti-cataract effects of Chlorella on rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes. J Nutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo) 2003" concludes that chlorella has anti-oxidant activity and could be beneficial for prevention complications in diabetics such as the appearance of cataracts. In this publication they also demonstrated that in mice supplementation with chlorella reduces the level of glycated hemoglobin and blood cholesterol. Chlorella is therefore a food that makes you think and which is promising! Let's talk about it with our health professionals and above all use it wisely for a more balanced life.