
Everything you need to know about the power of olfactotherapy

L’olfactothérapie : une science fascinante

Olfactotherapy: a fascinating science

The biochemical power of Essential Oils and its procession of essential physical actions for natural well-being are beginning to be acclaimed by a wide audience.

The emotional information transmitted by the smell of essential oils is, however, much less well-known. However, its link with our instinct and its physical and emotional resonances give this "science of smell" impressive virtues.

Olfactotherapy uses the natural benefits of plants to promote emotional and mental health: Pranarōm explains how it works.

What is olfactotherapy?

Olfactotherapy is a therapeutic technique using scents and essential oils to influence emotions, mood, and general well-being.

It relies on the power of scents to stimulate the limbic system, the part of the brain involved in emotions and memory.

By inhaling specific aromas, individuals can access memories, reduce stress, improve their mood, and treat various psychological and emotional disorders.

Olfactotherapy is often used in conjunction with other forms of therapy to support mental and emotional well-being.

It is a science of Essential Oils , a branch of aromatherapy that uses essential oils from plants for well-being. An Essential Oil is an aromatic substance unique to each plant species, whose smell can vary depending on the year and the biotope.

In aromatherapy , essential oils act on 3 levels:

  • Physical plane : composed of quantifiable molecules, they can relieve symptoms such as pain or inflammation;
  • Energy plan : they carry the energy of the plant, harmonizing our energy centers (chakras in Ayurvedic medicine);
  • Psycho-emotional level : in olfactotherapy, the inhalation of essential oils plays a role on the olfactory neurons, sending signals to the limbic system, the seat of our emotions.

Olfactotherapy, managing emotions through smells

A very personal perception

The way we perceive a smell varies greatly depending on the person and the circumstances.

The chemical signal is transformed into a nerve impulse which will be transmitted to the limbic brain, the seat of memory and emotions , which explains the very intimate reactions induced by odors.

These depend not only on the person's experience but also on their nervous, emotional and hormonal balance at the time of receiving the smell.

Olfactory memory

It is scientifically proven that odor molecules have a direct influence on the central nervous and endocrine systems , which in turn influence behavior and/or physiology.

Context is also a key element: the emotion of the moment will directly influence the perception of the smell by the brain as being good or bad, pleasant or unpleasant.

A sensation that is bound to remain marked in the unconscious, which explains why smells have this almost magical power to “reactivate the past”.

The door to the unconscious

Through smells we can smell, feel, even sense what is irrational in us.

They are located at the crossroads of sensoriality and self-knowledge, while connecting us to our own history and our environment.

Essential Oils , as a particularly pure and powerful olfactory medium , therefore have the power to calm, release and regulate emotions, undo knots, evoke memories, but also to promote refocusing, intuition, creativity, etc.

They directly influence the nervous system, by regulating the heart rate or even breathing.

The benefits of olfactotherapy

Reduction of stress and anxiety

Olfactotherapy uses Lavender Essential Oil for its calming properties. Lavender is well known for reducing stress and anxiety , helping to calm the nervous system and promote a feeling of relaxation and serenity. Its sweet, floral aroma is often used in diffusions or baths to create a relaxing environment.

Maintaining mood

Sweet Orange Essential Oil is ideal for supporting mood in olfactotherapy. Its fresh, fruity scent is invigorating and can help combat feelings of depression and sadness .

It also supports the immune system, bringing a feeling of joy and well-being. Inhaling this oil can provide an immediate emotional boost.

Impact on memory and concentration

In olfactotherapy, Rosemary Essential Oil is known to optimize memory and concentration.

It promotes mental clarity and helps one stay focused on tasks. The herbal aroma of rosemary is often used in work or study environments to increase productivity and alertness.

Relief of physical symptoms

Peppermint Essential Oil is effective in relieving various physical symptoms, such as headaches and muscle tension.

Its refreshing and analgesic effect provides rapid relief, particularly useful in cases of pain or muscle fatigue.

Inhaling peppermint can also help open the airways and promote concentration.

Maintaining general well-being

Sandalwood is often used to support overall well-being. Its earthy, sweet aroma has a calming effect on the mind , helping to harmonize emotions and promote a sense of inner peace.

It is also interesting for meditation and deep relaxation practices.

The power of essential oils in olfactotherapy

Studies show that substances with similar odors have similarly shaped molecules, and therefore the shape of a molecule determines the nature of its odor.

The olfactory potential of Essential Oils can therefore be studied according to the biochemical family to which it belongs, which makes it possible to intuitively determine the olfactory potential of an Essential Oil by looking at its biochemical family, provided of course that the person already appreciates its smell, a sine qua non condition for its effectiveness.

Olfactotherapy therefore uses Essential Oils to exploit the power of odors and their impact on emotions and well-being. Here are some key aspects of their power:

  • Emotional Management : The aromas of Essential Oils act directly on the limbic system of the brain, influencing emotions and memories;
  • Stress and Anxiety Reduction : Certain Essential Oils, such as Lavender and Chamomile, are known for their calming properties and can help reduce stress and anxiety;
  • Mood Support : Essential Oils like Sweet Orange or Bergamot have revitalizing effects that can affect mood and combat depression;
  • Optimizing Focus : Rosemary or Peppermint Essential Oils can maintain focus and mental clarity;
  • Reduction of physical symptoms : Certain Essential Oils can also help alleviate physical symptoms linked to emotions, such as headaches or muscle tension.

Safe use of essential oils in olfactotherapy

Olfactotherapy is not a science to be taken lightly.

It is crucial to follow some precautions for use to benefit from all the benefits of Essential Oils in a safe and effective manner:

  • Dilution : Always dilute Essential Oils in a carrier oil before applying to the skin to avoid irritation.
  • Dosage : follow the recommended dosages and do not exceed the recommended quantities.
  • Diffusion : Use an Essential Oil diffuser to diffuse them into the air. Diffuse for 15-30 minutes maximum to avoid excessive exposure. Make sure to ventilate the room well after diffusion.
  • Direct inhalation : put a few drops of essential oil on a handkerchief or in a bowl of hot water to inhale the vapors. Do not inhale directly from the bottle to avoid excessive concentration.
  • Allergy testing : Perform a skin test on a small area of ​​skin to check tolerance. Wait 24 hours to observe any allergic reaction before wider use.
  • Special Precautions : Some Essential Oils, such as Peppermint or Eucalyptus, may be too potent for young children or pregnant women. Consult a healthcare professional before using essential oils in these cases.
  • Storage : Store Essential Oils in dark glass bottles, away from light and heat to preserve their properties. Keep out of reach of children and pets.


Huiles Essentielles

Indian sandalwood

10 ml

Sale price7,80 €
Huiles Essentielles

Peppermint - Bio

10 ml - Bio

Facilite une bonne digestion après un repas copieux. Une solution Pranarōm 100% biologique, pure et intégrale.

Sale price11,60 €
Huiles Essentielles

Sweet orange - Bio

10 ml - Bio

Découvrez l'Huile Essentielle d'Orange Douce. Une solution Pranarôm 100% biologique, pure et intégrale.

Sale price5,90 €
Huiles Essentielles

Rosemary ct cineole

10 ml

Rosmarinus officinalis ct cineole. Une solution Pranarōm 100% pure et intégrale.

Sale price6,80 €
Huiles Essentielles

Real lavender

10 ml

Huile Essentielle de Lavande Vraie 100% pure, intégrale et chémotypée. Reconnue pour ses propriétés calmantes et relaxantes.

Sale price9,20 €


Treating haemorrhoids with aromatherapy

1 in 2 French people over 50 suffer from hemorrhoids. Beyond traditional treatments, recent studies demonstrate the notable interest of Myrtle essential oil in treating this very uncomfortable disease: explanations.

What Aromatherapy for my back to school?

When you return from vacation, we can't resist the urge to help you get back to school smoothly thanks to essential oils. We offer you an overview of the must-have products and we give you some tips for a successful start to the school year! Some recipes and essential shopping on the agenda! Here we go ? Stress ? Not know ! More effective with essential oils at work! Aromatherapy can certainly be a first aid at the start of the school year to reduce stress. They will accompany young and old who can use them in different ways... To face the back-to-school event, we can all concoct an olfactory synergy flavored with noble laurel and mandravasarotra to put all the chances on our side. For a “winning” olfactory blend In a 10ml bottle, we opt for: 9 ml of neutral Vegetable Oil of your choice (hazelnut, sweet almond); 10 drops of HECT of Mandravasarotra ( Cinnnamosma fragrans ) 20 drops of HECT of noble laurel ( Laurus nobilis ) The trick is to breathe deeply with a few drops of the mixture poured onto the wrists before the stressful event*. If the stress is so intense... Whether it prevents us from breathing properly, we can also think about massaging the solar plexus in the morning before the difficult day with an aromatic mixture which fights against nervous spasms, refocuses attention and brings a little comfort. Prepare a mixture in a 10 ml bottle to use sparingly*: 9 ml of neutral Vegetable Oil; approximately 20 drops of HECT of tarragon ( Artemisia dracunculus ); About 20 drops of HECT of petitgrain bigarade ( Citrus aurantium amara - leaf ). * By scrupulously respecting the proposed doses, these synergies can be used by the whole family. Let's also not forget the interest of the ZEN mixture intended to diffuse at home to give yourself a moment of respite. Give yourself courage: We had a good laugh but you also have to know how to get back to work with heart and energy. It's not easy to return to work or class. Did you know that Noble Laurel Essential Oil is used by high-level athletes to face the obstacles of competition and to promote concentration? Laurel is also the plant that crowned winners in antiquity, right? Dominique Baudoux often suggests in his works to apply one or two drops of laurel essential oil (diluted if you are sensitive to EOs) on the wrists before a stressful event and to breathe in the aroma. Guaranteed success! Stiff body? Do not know ! The start of the school year also means the return to sport. Here too, Essential Oils are there. Wintergreen and lemon eucalyptus blend perfectly with the renowned anti-inflammatory and soothing power of arnica vegetable oil. They help us prepare for exercise, but are also our allies for certain comfort after sport. No more aches! The AROMALGIC range from Pranarôm also offers a massage oil and a spray which prepare wonderfully for sport and which can also prove to be valuable allies in cases of diffuse pain. The massage roller is very practical and easy to take anywhere for a quick and beneficial effect on the joints and muscles. Spread the word !